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9 December 2016

Terms of Reference for Project Mid-Term Evaluation

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ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability-Africa is seeking a service provider to undertake a Mid Term Evaluation for one of their flagship water and sanitation projects. The project entitled ‘Sustainable Urban Resilient Water for Africa: Developing Local Climate Solutions (SURe Water 4 Africa)’ is a five year European Commission funded project. The project commenced in December 2012 and will be concluding in June 2017. The aim of the project is to contribute to sustainable climate change (CC) resilient urban water planning mechanisms and action based on international benchmarking within local authorities (LAs) and ensuring multiplier effects to the region. It focuses on the nexus of climate change and water, in particular droughts and floods, while identifying and implementing priority adaptation measures to assist the most vulnerable sectors in the participating local authorities.

Scope of Works
The Mid Term Evaluation is a specific deliverable of the project that aims to assess project methodology, results and determine project impact at the local authority level. The Mid Term Evaluation must be undertaken by an independent external project evaluator.

Objectives of the Mid Term Review

  • Review progress towards set project objectives and thematic relevance
  • Assess value of the water and sanitation risk assessments and asset inventories to ILAs
  • Review the value of the Downscaled Climate Systems Analysis reports to ILAs
  • Review the draft Local Action Plans against the stated project objectives for each of the project cities
  • Review value and relevance of the Finance Mechanisms Papers developed for each of the project cities to assess access to and availability of funding
  • Review the relevance and effectiveness of the GIS mapping for project cities
  • Review the value and relevance of the Resilient Africa Online Tool as a vehicle to promote integrated urban and resilience planning for ILAs
  • Effectiveness of the project methodology and participatory action research approach

Read full Terms of Reference here.

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