Our services
At ICLEI Africa, in addition to member benefits we also offer a number of additional paid services, as outlined below.
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Capacity building and training (online/in-person)
Communicating for impact: Effective sustainability communications for cities
How to approach urban data collection for sustainability monitoring and evaluation
How to promote integrated solutions through the food-water-energy nexus: lessons for governance and financing
How to apply circular economy principles for inclusive and sustainable urban development
Understanding urban food systems governance and management
City Biodiversity Index (2-part course: Introduction to the CBI and deep dive)
Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) development and ensuring vertical integration with National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plans (NBSAPs)
Identifying nature’s contributions to people (NCP) and using NCP to create and build better cities
How to mainstream nature-based solutions that build climate resilience within city planning and decision-making
How to utilise urban natural assets to build climate resilience
Climate finance: Navigating how to access climate finance and/or utilise existing finance for climate action; from project idea to spade in the ground
How to enable multi-level governance for the achievement of climate-resilient development
How to enhance disaster preparedness via city planning
How to build climate resilience in coastal cities
Climate change 101: Why tackling climate change is essential in cities
Finance services
Climate finance: Identifying projects and linking these projects to potential donors/funders/project preparation facilities
Project/programme enabler support for sustainability projects seeking funding
Technical services
Assist with the development of communications and awareness strategies and campaigns
SDG localisation processes
Development of local-level indicators for sustainable development monitoring
Assist cities to set biodiversity targets and report against these
Assist cities to apply the City Biodiversity Index
Development of invasive species control and management plans
Development of thematic atlas of nature’s benefits to the city
Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (LBSAP) development
Benchmarking current performance as a water sensitive city/settlement
Development of integrated catchment management plans
Strategy and implementation plan development for: Food-, water-, energy-, waste systems
Circular economy action plan development
Food systems policy development
Vehicle emissions reduction strategies
Disaster Risk Reduction strategies and action plans
UNDRR Disaster Risk Reduction scorecards
Assist cities with reporting climate change actions into global reporting systems, such as the merged CDP-ICLEI reporting platform
Ensuring climate change plans comply with global initiatives such as the Global Covenant of Mayors (GCoM) and regional initiatives such as the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA)
Climate change plans – mitigation, adaptation and energy access (includes target setting), in alignment with your country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC)
Vulnerability assessments
Greenhouse gas emissions inventories