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12 May 2015

JHB Mayor delivers hopeful City speech

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On 6 June Mayor Parks Tau of long-time ICLEI member Johannesburg gave his State of City Address that covered how the City will offer more jobs to the unemployed youth as well as increase electrical sustainability.
The Mayor had many exciting and big ideas that would improve the running of the city, some of which were pioneered overseas. For example the use of water turbines in existing water pipes to generate sustainable energy is hoped to offset the issues of load shedding and improve the city’s economy. He also talked about the Vulindlela eJozi programme, a programme that would screen and advise the youth in order to get them into proper jobs (some 200,000) by 2016.
ICLEI Africa applauds the bold direction Mayor Parks Tau has planned and looks forward to working closely with the city ahead of its Eco-mobility month in October.
Download the full Speech here.
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