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1 July 2019

Launching Procura+ Africa Network: Implementing Sustainable Public Procurement in local government

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This week at the African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum, ICLEI Africa launched the Procura+ Africa Network. This is a major step toward supporting African local governments to work together to reap the benefits of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The network was founded with the goal to increase and deepen implementation of SPP in South Africa. Working together, the members of the network are can learn from each other’s good practices in SPP and cities are able to further the implementation of SPP at higher political levels. It is also envisioned to facilitate joint procurements and increased collaboration with market parties and research institutions.

Representatives from African cities were invited during the launch to join the network to learn from each other and share best practices to implement sustainable public procurement, benefiting the economy, the environment, and the society.

The Procura+ Africa Network is one of three regional Procura+ networks supported by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, therefore connecting cities in Africa with a strong global community of local governments implementing sustainable public procurement. This will take place through in-person meetings, webinars, and where possible study tours for focused in-person learning.

The City of Tshwane is proud to be the first chair of the Procura+ Africa Network for the year 2019/2020, with ICLEI Africa as the secretariat supporting this important initiative.

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