What is Lorem Ipsum?
Ut libero elit, dignissim ut ex in, consequat dapibus tellus. Maecenas bibendum nisi et neque pellentesque, luctus congue tellus elementum. In nec elit sed leo tristique aliquet. Pellentesque egestas, tellus nec congue commodo, nisl purus porttitor turpis, eget sagittis elit mauris non ante. Duis ante magna, ullamcorper id tortor nec, rhoncus imperdiet velit. Nulla sit amet gravida est, eget vestibulum urna. Ut dolor sapien, egestas vitae sem vitae, egestas dignissim nibh. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nam a nibh malesuada, consectetur libero non, dictum sapien. Cras vulputate felis felis, sit amet faucibus orci vehicula non.
Proin pretium enim in enim pulvinar, quis iaculis magna sodales. Nulla ac interdum enim. Praesent porta ultricies felis. Nullam tristique scelerisque blandit. Nunc vitae rhoncus enim. Nulla ornare eget dui at rutrum. Phasellus non aliquet ipsum. Integer dapibus vulputate mi, at molestie nunc gravida tincidunt. Maecenas congue est ut arcu tempor aliquam at id erat. Nam semper libero sit amet euismod sodales. Suspendisse vitae efficitur ex. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Duis fermentum urna in condimentum suscipit. Donec consectetur lacus erat, quis maximus ligula semper et. Fusce fermentum mi a est porttitor aliquet. Sed ornare eu est ut rhoncus.
Morbi ultricies, erat nec hendrerit congue, enim massa ornare elit, et aliquet risus elit a risus. Pellentesque ultricies commodo nibh sed volutpat. Nunc dictum mauris eu arcu aliquam molestie. Nullam auctor nulla arcu, a ullamcorper lorem viverra eu. Nam dolor massa, posuere et gravida sagittis, vulputate quis felis. Donec quis eros auctor, eleifend nibh id, auctor mi. Nunc interdum lacinia ex, quis rhoncus arcu imperdiet et. Nulla dictum luctus libero in cursus. Nulla urna dui, luctus eget turpis quis, faucibus condimentum est. Vivamus dapibus, nunc id vestibulum placerat, leo sem pulvinar nisl, vitae bibendum dui orci sed urna. Vivamus eu leo eget nisi cursus semper.
- Pellentesque facilisis vitae nibh in congue. Nullam at blandit lorem. Morbi
- Vestibulum posuere neque velit, sed posuere lectus fringilla eget. Suspendisse venenatis neque et quam sollicitudin, non dignissim orci eleifend. Pellentesque libero massa, porttitor et imperdiet dapibus, lobortis sit amet orci.
- Nulla aliquam pharetra orci, ac ultricies risus maximus ac. Curabitur nibh leo, dignissim ac enim eu, mattis dapibus sem. Duis volutpat id dolor sit amet interdum.
Mauris velit velit, gravida at convallis et, ultrices ut urna. Nullam imperdiet quis mi nec sodales. Nullam quis ex erat. Cras vitae accumsan sapien, congue sodales magna. Morbi laoreet efficitur porta. Integer sed suscipit urna. Quisque interdum ligula ac velit maximus, id porttitor dui condimentum. Phasellus vel velit mi. Proin ex nisi, ornare eget pellentesque eu, tempor sed eros. Vestibulum lobortis pellentesque metus in pharetra. Fusce eget rutrum lorem. Quisque consequat, quam feugiat cursus hendrerit, libero purus interdum neque, viverra efficitur erat tellus eu tellus. Cras iaculis elementum nisi sit amet laoreet.

Where does it come from?
In ex purus, facilisis sed mollis ut, rhoncus a sem. Proin vel nunc libero. Fusce ut tortor mollis tortor ullamcorper malesuada. Pellentesque porttitor enim ex. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Pellentesque et est quis ipsum gravida imperdiet porta pellentesque diam. Mauris efficitur ullamcorper viverra. Nulla ac condimentum nisi. Maecenas nec justo ipsum. Nam nec augue rutrum, mollis erat non, dignissim felis. Cras venenatis lectus ac augue bibendum, eu ornare eros consequat. Quisque consectetur mauris tellus, sed pellentesque enim auctor quis. Sed sed purus tempus, ullamcorper nulla a, accumsan est. Nulla hendrerit ex quis risus imperdiet dictum.
Mauris eleifend blandit ante. Nullam consectetur condimentum purus, a commodo odio. Nam a tempus urna. Vestibulum pellentesque est sit amet arcu posuere, quis rutrum dolor tempor. Praesent varius mauris vitae ex gravida, sit amet tincidunt nulla sagittis. Pellentesque at metus felis. Sed dignissim sollicitudin nisl ac egestas. Nam semper leo id purus viverra, et maximus dui vulputate. Cras non pulvinar lectus. Proin a sodales urna. Ut nec justo ante. In posuere nibh velit, quis sollicitudin nibh feugiat eget. Vivamus venenatis urna sed vehicula ultricies.

Why do we use it?
Integer dictum lorem in felis tincidunt vulputate. Praesent vitae congue diam. Suspendisse luctus blandit velit vel fringilla. In venenatis mollis nulla ac posuere. Nulla lobortis quam at ex dignissim, eu tincidunt erat vestibulum. Nulla mi ex, finibus quis erat eget, vestibulum pulvinar eros. Nunc scelerisque ligula tortor, quis cursus quam scelerisque vitae. Nunc libero magna, suscipit nec est nec, vehicula consequat odio. Integer lobortis a justo nec finibus. Praesent vitae enim quam. Donec mattis tempor iaculis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Vivamus egestas diam nulla, sed lobortis justo suscipit ac. Praesent ligula nunc, varius quis accumsan in, suscipit non elit. Nullam sit amet porttitor tortor.
Pellentesque scelerisque ipsum id leo laoreet condimentum. Sed congue viverra nisi ac vulputate. Donec sit amet eleifend velit. Mauris eu tincidunt diam. Sed placerat odio vel sem interdum, vitae commodo nisl vulputate. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Mauris auctor, ipsum in porttitor volutpat, neque nibh molestie libero, vel consectetur leo mi in sem. Sed vehicula felis pellentesque ligula pulvinar, id elementum urna cursus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aliquam posuere placerat erat vitae condimentum. Fusce at sapien non elit fermentum laoreet. Maecenas semper consequat consequat. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus.
Cras consectetur et dolor ac pulvinar. Fusce condimentum massa dolor, sed sollicitudin odio viverra a. Aliquam et ante non risus porta pellentesque id ac lectus. In fringilla justo est, sed accumsan libero laoreet at. Nulla tempus neque elit, eu aliquet leo finibus sit amet. Etiam tincidunt mattis est, sagittis commodo lorem aliquam ut. In interdum, sem et convallis volutpat, ligula turpis tincidunt tortor, sed cursus enim orci eleifend erat. Nullam tempor, nulla sit amet dapibus condimentum, enim erat rhoncus ex, vitae sodales lorem purus quis mauris.

This is the heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

This is the heading
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.

Ut ullamcorper augue at velit pulvinar, nec ullamcorper ligula facilisis. Suspendisse pellentesque non lectus sit amet consequat. Nulla ut nisl sapien. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Aliquam euismod imperdiet interdum. Etiam congue turpis ut luctus iaculis.
- Riaan Laubscher

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We are dedicated to facilitating the right connections to strengthen local action and drive global change.
Tackling difficult, complex, interconnected sustainability issues head on and applying creative problem solving and cutting edge, innovative solutions, appropriate for our African context.
Embracing reflection and learning, and harnessing African excellence, in order to quickly adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances and better serve their communities.
Working tirelessly with their citizens and our vast, robust network of cities and partners, to accelerate and strengthen sustainability action, and drive change.
A strength in our current reality, understanding and empowering their citizens, and sharing knowledge and best practices with each other to build resilience and create a better future for everyone.

Tackling difficult, complex, interconnected sustainability issues head on and applying creative problem solving and cutting edge, innovative solutions, appropriate for our African context.

Embracing reflection and learning, and harnessing African excellence, in order to quickly adapt and evolve in response to changing circumstances and better serve their communities.

Working tirelessly with their citizens and our vast, robust network of cities and partners, to accelerate and strengthen sustainability action, and drive change.

A strength in our current reality, understanding and empowering their citizens, and sharing knowledge and best practices with each other to build resilience and create a better future for everyone.
our member characteristics
Our ICLEI Africa cities and regions are doing just that. They are:
These characteristics are mirrored in our ICLEI Africa Secretariat, where we serve and support these frontrunner cities and regions in Africa, with our growing team of passionate multi-talented experts and strong network of partners.
ICLEI Africa’s history

The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.
Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.

Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.

We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).

The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.
Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.

Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.

We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).

The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.
Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.

Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.

We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).

The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.
Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.

Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.

We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).

The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.
The beginning
The ICLEI Africa Secretariat began its operations in 1995 in Harare, Zimbabwe.

Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.
Our first move
We moved to Johannesburg, South Africa in October 2001.

Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.
Our current home
Since March 2008, the Head Office of the Africa Secretariat has been located in Cape Town, South Africa.

We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
We keep growing
On 1 October 2021, ICLEI Africa established a complementary office in Mauritius, namely the ICLEI Africa Foundation, to support and further enable its expanding services and expertise to governments across Africa. ICLEI Africa also proudly hosts ICLEI’s global Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC).
Our priority areas of engagement include:
Biodiversity mainstreaming and ecosystem services assessment
Integrated urban water management and sustainable sanitation solutions
Integrated urban sustainability services
Urban nature, health and well-being
Climate change and resilience
Sustainable infrastructure solutions
Resource management and circularity
Urban planning and land-use management
Energy solutions
Disaster risk reduction and management
Just transitions, equity and voice
Climate and development finance
Systems approaches for decision-making
Nature-based solutions and ecosystem-based adaptation
Economic and social development
Urban food systems and health
Our networks & initiatives
CitiesWithNature summary
CitiesWithNature is a global partnership initiative of leading organisations, including ICLEI, IUCN, TNC, WWF and UNEP, that offers cities free access to an online platform where they can connect, share, learn, act and inspire each other to take local and landscape-based action for nature in their cities.
The CitiesWithNature Action Platform is recognised by the UN Convention on Biological Diversity as the mechanism for local governments to report on their commitments and actions towards implementing the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Join over 290 cities and regions in more than 70 countries, including New York, São Paulo, London, Cape Town, Istanbul, Dar es Salaam, Montreal, Walvis Bay and Melbourne, in taking individual and collective action to mainstream biodiversity and make their voices heard!

global reach
CitiesWithNature cities around the world

RegionsWithNature summary
RegionsWithNature is a unique online platform that boosts action for biodiversity by subnational governments. The platform enables states, provinces, departments and prefectures to connect with other regions and partners from around the world; access tools and resources on nature-based solutions, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation; and share their regions' commitments to achieving global nature goals.
As a global partnership initiative, with founding partners ICLEI and Regions4, among others, it is already used by major regions across the world, including Quebec Province (Canada), Yucatan (Mexico), Western Cape (South Africa) and California (USA). Join these nature leaders today!

Cities Race to Resilience summary
The Cities Race to Resilience is one of the initiatives under the Race to Resilience campaign, driving cities to join and pledge their commitment to the global fight against climate change. It offers cities the unique opportunity to be a catalyst for change, and to showcase action and drive ambition, according to their own contextually relevant local landscape!

Cities Cities Race to Zero summary
The Race to Zero is a global campaign run by the High-Level Climate Champions to rally leadership and support from businesses, cities, regions and investors for a healthy, resilient, zero carbon transition that prevents future threats, creates decent jobs, and unlocks inclusive, sustainable growth.
Joining the campaign will give your subnational government the benefit of visibility and formal recognition at future UNFCCC COPs, endorsements by partners, and access to initiatives, tools and resources to identify actions that can be taken.

ICLEI Africa hosts the CoM SSA Secretariat
Started in 2015, the Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) is a major catalyst for local climate action in the region, with political commitment from over 340 local governments. CoM SSA supports local governments to move from planning to implementation, with a focus on unlocking climate finance at the local level.
Co-funded by the European Union (EU), the German Cooperation Agency (BMZ), and the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID), the initiative is a European Union (EU) action that supports the external dimension of the European Green Deal, as the global challenges of climate change and environmental degradation require a global response. At the same time, CoM SSA moves to strengthen the Africa-EU partnership and supports Agenda 2063 of the African Union Commission.

why join
CoM SSA supports signatory cities by:




