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12 September 2014

Biodiversi​ty Summit Update: Draft Summit Declaratio​n open for comment and more

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The CBC are in the last month before the Biodiversity Summit for Cities and Subnational Governments, please a look at their exciting weekly updates on programme developments, hot topics and Summit information.

NOW OPEN FOR COMMENT: Gangwon / Pyeongchang Declaration on Cities and Subnational Governments for Biodiversity

The history: At each of the previous biodiversity summits for cities and subnational biodiversity, alongside the last three CBD COPs, a unique declaration has been endorsed and accepted by cities and subnational delegates attending: Cities and Biodiversity: Bonn Call for Action (CBD COP 9, 2008); Aichi/Nagoya Declaration on Local Authorities and Biodiversity (CBD COP 10, 2010); and Hyderabad Declaration on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity (CBD COP 11, 2012). These declarations focus on the most pertinent topics for that year, and are traditionally named after the local or subnational government host and read out at the Ministerial Segment. These Declarations have strengthened the consideration that COP decisions give to local governments and their importance for managing biodiversity.

The 2014 Biodiversity Summit for Cities and Subnational Governments: At the 2014 Biodiversity Summit, a key output will be the Gangwon / Pyeongchang Declaration on Cities and Subnational Governments for Biodiversity. The draft of the Gangwon/Pyeongchang Declaration is now open for comment and input from individuals, leading biodiversity organisations, and local and subnational governments from around the world.

The process: Please download the draft Declaration from the ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center website HERE. Please send your comments to Shela Patrickson, Manager of ICLEI’s Cities Biodiversity Center, by 26 September 2014. These comments will then be collated, considered and incorporated to create a final draft of the Declaration. This final draft will then be presented at the beginning of the Biodiversity Summit, and there will be the opportunity for last inputs and suggestions over the event, including a short session at the end of the first day. The Declaration will then be updated and finalised, to be presented in the closing session of the Biodiversity Summit.

SIDE EVENTS to take note of

Date and time: Wed 15 October at 13:15-14:45 (tentative)

Theme: Urban Cities: How to Conserve and Create Biodiversity in urban metropolises

Organisers: Tokyo Metropolitan Government and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center

The demand for land in large urban metropolises is exponentially increasing as more people move to urban areas, creating new challenges for biodiversity conservation, which is inextricably linked to human well-being. The way cities develop influences natural ecosystems and the distribution of ecosystem services, the free benefits that nature provides, among different groups in society. Green areas have shown to provide a variety of important ecosystem goods and services that improve citizens with a better quality of life. What are cities already doing for biodiversity and how can their full potential be unlocked? By drawing from a series of cities’ experiences and best practices, Urban Cities; How to Conserve and Create Biodiversity in Urban Metropolises will explore the local and urban dimensions of nature conservation, reflecting on the importance of cities as implementing agents of the Convention and proposing new ways forward.

Date and time: Wed. 15 October, 2014 at 13:15-14:45 (tentative)

Theme: Toward achieving Aichi Biodiversity Targets by 2020 ~ Contribution of Subnational Governments

Organizers: Prefecture of Aichi, Japan, ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center, supported by Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity

The Aichi Biodiversity Targets are 20 ambitious goals that make up part of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020, adopted by the Parties in Nagoya, Aichi prefecture in 2010. The targets provide a framework for action for all stakeholders, including subnational and local governments, to protect biodiversity and enhance its benefits for people. Alongside national governments, subnational and local governments play a critical role in conserving biodiversity and ecosystems. Subnational governments therefore enhance their efforts towards reaching the Aichi Targets globally, through the implementation of plans and policies, and through providing guidance and mechanisms to link cities within regions, and protect biodiversity strategically. This event, called for by Mr. Hideaki Ohmura, Governor of Aichi Prefecture will showcase the experiences of leading subnational governments around the world and discuss how they could strengthen their activities together with prominent guests.

The URBIO Conference 2014

(9-12 October)

Running in parallel to COP12, URBIO2014 will play an significant role in enhancing the international academic, professional network to deal with urban environmental problems, also promoting the global-scaled awareness on conserving urban biodiversity. This year’s topic, “Cities and Water: Conservation, Restoration and Biodiversity” will discuss 3 sub-themes and 12 sessions with numerous interesting parallel sessions. Please visit the URBIO2014 website for more information.

Biodiversity Summit Information Document:

Please find the useful Information Note for all specific information relating to the Summit HERE.

This provides practical information on topics such as:

– Registration

– Visas

– Getting to the Summit

– Accommodation

– Eco Culture Tour

For further information on sessions, themes and the program please look out for further announcements and see

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