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24 March 2014

cewas – Start your own Business in the Water Sector!

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cewas is the international incubator for Start-Ups in water, sanitation and resource management based in Willisau (Switzerland).

The fourth cewas Start-Up programme is directed at graduates who want to start their own business or NGO in this field. Young entrepreneurs-to-be are supported in the formation of their Start-Up with advanced training modules, business coaching and consulting by international experts as well as an extensive international network.

The year-long cewas Start-Up programme is also intended for young people who do not yet have a concrete idea for a product or service in the water sector, but are interested in developing a business idea – for instance together with a partner from the course.

The next cewas Start-Up programme begins on the 8th of September 2014 and will last until August 2015. The application deadline for Start-Up participants is the 20th of June 2014.

To get a first-hand idea of what cewas offers and to meet the cewas team as well as our energetic entrepreneurs, visit us during one of our Open Work Days in Willisau, every second Wednesday.

For more information please visit or contact Damaris Niggli, +41 (0)77 427 17 26 /

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