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11 October 2018

Gauteng Declaration commits to inclusive metropolitan cities and city-regions

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Gauteng Declaration commits to inclusive metropolitan cities and city-regions

The 2018 Metropolis Annual Meeting which took place from 26 to 28 August 2018 in Johannesburg, South Africa, hosted by Gauteng Province, saw the launch of the Gauteng Declaration.

The declaration was launched, with the support and commitment from the Metropolis members and representatives from partner organisations ICLEI, UCLG and UCLG Africa.

The declaration calls for the effective localisation of global agreements, such as the Sustainable Development Goals, the New Urban Agenda and Paris Agreement on Climate Change. In doing so, metropolitan cities and city-regions are required to address the environmental, economic, social, and governance dimensions of exclusion in metropolitan areas.

The metropolitan cities and city-regions declared their willingness to have enhanced Metropolises for and by their citizens. This means that cities should have effective public participation processes and metropolitan governance which fosters economic development, sustainability, social cohesion and justice, gender equality and good quality of life.

As part of the Metropolis global network, cities have the opportunity to foster links and exchanges between political leaders, policy makers and practitioners worldwide. This will enable them to advocate for metropolitan interests and improve the performance of metropolises in addressing local and global challenges. In so doing, cities must have enhanced mechanisms to allow exchange between metropolitan areas and specific programmes that can support renewal and policy innovation at all levels.

Partners around the world were called upon to join in advocating for metropolitan interests, in the quest to address local and global challenges. Cities thus have to enhance their collaboration towards the ideal of inclusive metropolises for and by their citizens. The declaration emphasised the importance of metropolitans having a seat at the global table, in so doing recognising the role that metropolitan areas must play in the development of policies at national, regional and international level.

The declaration reaffirmed the determination of metropolitan cities and city-regions to foster inclusive cities and defy the traps of social exclusion; exercise leadership on the world stage and to work together with national and international institutions. Also, in celebration and recognition of Nelson Mandela’s centenary, the Metropolis declared to continue drawing inspiration from his life convictions.

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