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20 September 2016
ICLEI represented at the 3rd BRICS Urbanisation Forum

The theme for the Third BRICS Urbanisation Forum, held in Visakhapatnam, Andra Pradesh, India was ‘Urban Transition in BRICS’. ICLEI Africa was invited to represent ICLEI’s BRICS members (which included members from the South American, South Asian, East Asian and African secretariats) in a plenary session focused on urban sustainability implementation. The session focused on lessons learnt against the backdrop of the Paris Agreement, the SDGs and urbanisation in general.
ICLEI was part of a strong South African delegation at the conference, which included Department of COGTA, the Department of Housing, the private sector and the SA Cities Network. The central government of India, Andra Pradesh and the city of Visakhapatnam are to be congratulated on a successful and fruitful urbanisation forum which will feed through many important urbanisation factors into the main BRICS forum to be held in Goa in October 2016.
More information here.