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31 July 2014

Low-Emission Action Plan takes shape in KwaDukuza Municipality!

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KwaDukuza Municipality worked collaboratively with ICLEI Africa staff and local stakeholders to identify new and existing projects, policies and actions to help it transition to its low-emission 2030 vision.
The vision and six key transition areas were developed in a recent collaborative scenario planning process which was creatively shared with the local community.

Over the course of one and a half days an initial brainstorming and prioritisation exercise with local stakeholders delivered a wide-range of projects and policies.

The municipality will use its policy powers to provide a framework for accelerated action through:

  • revising its electricity master plan to include renewable energy and energy efficiency considerations;
  • developing and implementing a green building policy and reviewing its Spatial Development Framework in-line with the six low-emission transition areas;
  • developing a decision-support tool to incorporate sustainable development principles into capital expenditure decisions.

Collaborative actions included promoting local green technology opportunities (especially those related to renewable energy production and biofuel/mass production through sugar cane by- products; setting up a local low-emission development partnership forum, and a private sector collaboration to promote energy management in the commercial and industrial sectors. A wide-ranging community engagement programme would help to support local action by the municipality. The new ideas add momentum to a number of actions that were identified as already being underway and budgeted for in the current Integrated Development Plan (demonstrating that KwaDukuza is already on its journey towards the 2030 vision).

Action Planning Workshop in KwaDukuza

The collaborative approach was welcomed by local stakeholders, with the Provincial Government praising the Municipality for its regional leadership: “KDM is making us proud in the Province as the only municipality with a CCRS (Climate Change Response Strategy). That’s worth celebrating.”

A local private sector consultant also shared her pride in the hard work of municipal staff in transforming the local area: “It’s an honour to be a part of this municipality. Everyone works extremely hard in this municipality and I want to recognise that”

With members of the workshop now tasked with developing and analysing the feasibility of their ideas, ICLEI Africa will contract the support of relevant experts in South Africa to further develop and review the locally-driven work so far. In the course of this year, this work will be assimilated together into a draft Low Emission Development Strategic Framework and action plan.

Even before the full action plan is finalised, the municipality is already implementing prioritised programs and actions. One such project includes the distribution of 500 hotboxes, or passive cookers, to the local community: check back soon on the ICLEI Africa news website to find out more about this pilot project!

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