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4 July 2016

Moshi Municipality launches EHCC demonstration projects

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Moshi Municipality in Tanzania launched its low-carbon demonstration projects as part of its second year undertaking the Earth Hour City Challenge.

Their participation at the Tanzania pilot edition of Earth Hour City Challenge 2014-2015 saw Moshi Municipality report a total of 8 actions it taking towards sustainability. These span actions ranging from climate-friendly solutions to service delivery (e.g. school feeding, waste management, storm water drainage), land use planning, and international partnerships.

On its second year, Moshi participated in a capacity building workshop on global sustainable initiatives, such as the 21st Conference of Parties to the UN Climate Change Convention, Sustainable Development Goals, and the upcoming Habitat III conference. Partners from the Vice President’s Office/Tanzanian delegation to the UNFCCC and ALAT also attended to engage with municipal officials. Participants also undertook an exercise on integrated urban planning, guided by the Urban NEXUS approach, to explore further opportunities for mainstreaming climate change across the municipality’s various developmental needs.

Building on these initiatives, resources were mobilised to launch climate-friendly retrofits in the municipality:

    • The Msaranga Dispensar: solar installation
    • The Msandaka primary school, Langoni primary school, JK secondary school: installation of improved cookstoves
    • Afforesetation

Read more about the workshops and field visits here.

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