Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality World Water Day Celebrations
World Water Day is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of water, a critical resource in our urban environments.
To celebrate WWD we asked the cities in the European Commission funded ‘SURe Water 4 Africa: Developing LoCS’ project what they were doing to celebrate. Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in South Africa, an implementing city in the SURe Water4 Africa: Developing LoCS project and member of ICLEI Africa, has developed a suite of activities scheduled to take place during March.
These activities aim to celebrate WWD and South Africa’s National Water month. These activities will run from 17 March – 22 March 2014
In commemorating the importance of National Water Weekweek and WWD, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality’s Environmental Education Unit is hosting a series of events. The events are set to create awareness through environmental education on the importance of water. Not only will the learners participate in the events, they will also serve as key catalysts advocating for wise use of water at home and spreading the word within their communities to promote concious and considerate use of water in our urban areas.
The celebrations kicked off on 18 March with the Environmental Education Unit visiting learners in schools around Motherwell area to undertake activities to commemorate WWD. They then moved on to Kwa-Magxaki Community Hall where they held the event on 19 March and are wrapping up the activities at an event in Hoza Community Hall, New Brighton.
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