This pathway’s focus areas Build Build climate resilience Protect Protect vulnerable communities Strengthen Strengthen nature’s defences Build climate resilience Protect vulnerable communities Strengthen nature’s defences Through this pathway, subnational governments make resilience a core part of their strategies and proactively tackle risks and impacts, prioritising the rights and needs of vulnerable sections of society. They … Continued

This pathway’s focus areas Protect and restore Protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems Unlock Unlock nature’s contributions for people Promote Promote nature-based solutions Protect and restore biodiversity and ecosystems Unlock nature’s contributions for people Promote nature-based solutions Through this pathway, local and regional governments prioritise healthy local environments, in which air, water, soil and all … Continued

This pathway’s focus areas Just transitions Just transitions for dignified livelihoods Promote Promote community health and wellbeing Equitable access Equitable access to resources and services Just transitions for dignified livelihoods Promote community health and wellbeing Equitable access to resources and services Through this pathway, local and regional governments pursue processes and patterns that support inclusive … Continued

This pathway’s focus areas Promote Promote practical strategies for circularity in cities Prioritise Prioritise sustainable waste management Enable Enable entrepreneurial environments for circularity Promote practical strategies for circularity in cities Prioritise sustainable waste management Enable entrepreneurial environments for circularity Through this pathway, local and regional governments decouple urban and economic development from resource consumption and … Continued

This pathway’s focus areas Promote Promote renewable energy and energy efficiency interventions Accelerate Accelerate sustainable energy access and the clean cooking transition Prioritise Prioritise sustainable mobility Promote renewable energy and energy efficiency interventions Accelerate sustainable energy access and the clean cooking transition Prioritise sustainable mobility They reduce greenhouse gas emissions in all activities, especially in … Continued

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