Building resilience through Nature-Based Solutions for vulnerable communities in Entebbe, Uganda

Remaining resilient during a pandemic: innovative tools from the City of Cape Town

Currently, we are not on track to achieve SDG 6, but the New Water Integrity Global Outlook 2021: Urban Water and Sanitation report claims cities, with integrity, can lead the way and bring society back on track, playing a critical role in meeting the water needs of the urban poor.

Tackling Monrovia’s climate challenges through community engagement

Nature-based solutions could help cities stabilise warming to below 2°C. ICLEI Africa continues to empower local governments to harness existing urban natural assets with the launch of UNA: Resilience for Life.

In South Africa, smaller municipalities are finding ways to fill data gaps prevalent across Africa and it is taking them a crucial step closer to accessing the finance they need for tangible, climate projects.

We support PO-RALG to improve urban planning and development control processes at national, municipal council and local government levels.