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Bojanala Platinum District Municipality Wetland Report

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Bojanala Platinum District Municipality Wetland Report


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Resource summary

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality (BPDM) is located within the North West Province of South Africa. Whilst the total land area of the North West province is 106 512 square kilometres or 8.7% of South Africa’s land area, the BPDM takes up 18 332 square kilometres or 17% of the provinces land area. The municipality falls almost entirely within the Savannah Biome with a small portion falling within the Grassland Biome. Numerous wetlands occur throughout the district and provide crucial habitat for the unique biodiversity in the region, particularly the high variety of endangered flora and fauna species.

The wetlands throughout Bojanala Platinum District Municipality are considered to be high-value ‘ecological infrastructure’ as they provide habitat for flora and fauna, but also provide critical ecosystem services to the municipality. These include flood attenuation, water filtration, erosion control and water storage (regulatory services) as well as food provision, supply of raw materials and clean drinking water (provisioning services). The wetlands within the municipality also play a pivotal role in disaster risk management as well as reducing the impacts of climate change within the district.

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