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18 September 2014

Significant progress in the Sustainable Development Goals

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Concluding its negotiations, the United Nations Open Working Group on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) forwarded a proposal to the UN General Assembly. It covers a broad discussion of developmental issues while reaffirming its commitment to the Rio Declaration.

As a successor to the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), the SDGs are set to define the post-2015 development agenda. It draws from the MDGs experience by recognizing specific developmental concerns which include: water and sanitation, sustainable energy, green economy, ecosystems, climate change actions, and sustainable cities. The SDGs specify measurable targets in addressing these, while being guided by previous achievements in the international development agenda. Among these include the regionally-significant political declaration on Africa’s development needs and the New Partnership for Africa’s Development.
The progress that these present gives us much to look forward to in advancing meaningful, sustainable development for the region.

For more information on the Sustainable Development Goals please refer to this page.

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