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16 September 2014

Voting to begin on the new ICLEI Africa Committee!

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Nominations are currently being sent in for the new ICLEI Africa Committee, from locally-elected leaders across Africa. From the end of next week, the voting platform will be open, for ICLEI member cities to vote for the local government heads to serve on the Committee.
It is our pleasure to inform all ICLEI members that the Secretary General and Regional Director will soon publish the voting platform for the composition of the Regional Executive Committee, including information on the voting process, names and candidacy details with the respective portfolio of activity and interest. For the Mayors and other elected Local Government heads who have submitted nominations, this is a chance to provide pan-African leadership.

The ICLEI Africa Committee represents the ICLEI Members of Africa, and consists of five voting seats. ICLEI is a global association of local governments that prides itself on being driven by its network of Members. Therefore, ICLEI’s governing bodies, responsible for defining its strategic direction, are made up by local government Mayors and elected officials and are elected by all ICLEI Members, every three years, in their respective regions.

A call for applications/nominations has been open already for several weeks. Following due process, on the 29 September, ICLEI Africa is therefore opening the voting platform, where members can vote for Committee Members for the following thematic portfolios on the ICLEI Africa Committee (listed in alphabetical order):

• Climate Change Adaptation and Disaster Risk Reduction Portfolio
• Economic Development, Livelihoods and Food Security Portfolio
• Energy and Mobility Portfolio
• Health, Water, Sanitation and Waste Portfolio
• Urban Planning and Design, Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Portfolio

Until then, we warmly welcome further applications from heads of local government ICLEI Members in Africa to serve this important platform in leading and pioneering sustainable urban action across our continent. This call for applications/nominations is open until 28 September 2014.

Please contact the ICLEI Africa Secretariat ( ) for more information on the ICLEI Africa Committee’s constitution and goals, as well as for the appropriate documents with which an ICLEI Member can make an application. For more information on Executive Committee responsibilities please consult the ICLEI Charter.

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