A community of practice on circular development is emerging in Africa. ICLEI Africa and partners are articulating what circularity can mean for our cities, with governance strategies that support informality, traditional knowledge and ecological regeneration as vital aspects of urbanisation.

Food initiatives in cities not only contribute to food security, but they also benefit a city’s economy and biodiversity. ICLEI Africa’s recent research shows that beyond these benefits, urban food gardens can also play a role in the social transformation of a city.

Collaboration cultivates innovation: How ICLEI Africa and the City of Cape Town have been pioneering local sustainability action for two decades The City of Cape Town in South Africa has always been a front-runner in taking action for urban sustainability and resilience. The City’s Executive Director of Spatial Planning and Environment, Mr Osman Asmal, appointed … Continued

A resilient society depends on climate action and gender equality. But where does a society begin to untangle the inequalities embedded in its own foundations?

The first remote and virtual ACCSF discussion focused on capital cities’ role in their nation’s response to Covid-19 with an emphasis on the need for co-operative multi-level governance. On Thursday, 23 July, altogether 29 mayors, governors, presidents and representatives from their respective capital cities from across the African continent assembled for an African Capital Cities … Continued

The advantages of indigenous foods include reconnecting us with our roots; offering higher nutritional value than their exotic counterparts; and supporting a resilient and sustainable food source, especially in the face of climate change (De Bruin et al., 2018).

This partnership builds on the previous work of the two organisations to bring to bear innovative ways of blending public and private finance, ultimately enabling local governments to access funding for sustainability projects and a just economic recovery. A new Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ICLEI Africa and the Development Bank of Southern Africa (DBSA) will enable the two … Continued