African cities continue to recognise the importance of driving low emission development for systemic change. Here are their plans.

Cities in Africa are some of the most vulnerable to climate change in the world, and for them to become more resilient, a significant amount of funding is required to enable climate change adaptation. However, Africa as a region has received the least climate change finance to date. In 2016 as little as 4.1% (USD … Continued

Communities can play a big role in identifying local hazards and understanding the implications these hazards have for their cities. The climate risk and vulnerability assessments developed for three Rwandan districts under the Urban LEDS II project use local knowledge to prepare cities for the future.

Lessons from a food systems webinar

It is the last decade for achieving the SDGs and local governments have a crucial role to play. Our research and workshops in South Africa have yielded practical tips for cities, towns and regions to do this work without adding an additional reporting burden to city officials’ to-do lists.

African mayors and city leaders stand in solidarity in response to global crises