The Eco-Logic Awards identify individuals, organisations and communities that positively contribute towards a sustainable world – and encourage the consumer public to support them by purchasing their products and services. In partnership with SABC 3, The Enviropaedia established the Annual Eco-Logic Awards in 2011. These have since grown into South Africa’s most Glamorously Green eco-calendar … Continued

As presented by Dr. Joan Clos, Executive Director of UN-Habitat and Neil McArthur, CEO of ARCADIS NV, we are pleased to announce the the Fourth Annual Shelter Academy, Adapting & Mitigating Climate Change: Options for Cities, that will take place in Amsterdam and Rotterdam, The Netherlands during the period 1-4 September 2014. Target Audience The … Continued

Resilient Cities 2014 will take place in June 2014 visit website here

The Climate System Analysis Group (CSAG) based at the University of Cape Town will be running its annual course, ‘Winter School : Using climate information for adaptation and policy development’, from 30 June-11 July 2014. This 2-week intensive course has been developed specifically for participants from developing country and aims to take participants through the … Continued

Earth Day 2014 held on 22 April, also known as International Mother Earth Day, is an annual celebration that brings attention to protecting the Earth. First held in 1970 it has grown and is celebrated in 192 countries. It is the second Earth day held each year, the first held on 21 March. This year … Continued

The Climate and Development Knowledge Network (CDKN) and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability are pleased to launch their Working Paper Close to home: Subnational strategies for climate compatible development by Barbara Anton, Ali Cambray, Mairi Dupar and Astrid Westerlind-Wigstroem with Elizabeth Gogoi. The authors explore the many successful strategies and measures for climate resilience … Continued

The ICLEI Global Town Hall @ Metropolitan Solutions opened with businesses and cities coming together to create brighter futures for its citizens. “Cities fighting climate change and mitigation are cities where people are sitting together (transport, businesses, buildings, governments) and working with each other towards finding solutions. You need to get out of your box … Continued

On 27 March Cape Town was crowned as the winner of the Earth Hour City Challenge 2014, a competition developed by WWF and ICLEI to identify cities around the world playing their role in combating climate change. 6 South African Cities entered this year for the first time, and all should be congratulated on their … Continued

Journeys Towards Sustainability – City Of Cape Town

The time has long since past when development of cities via silo and singular implementation outcomes was best-practice. Nowadays with the cumulative risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, cities have to change how they progress, build, develop and plan. Every opportunity for saving resources means that precious municipal budget can be saved, and resources … Continued