A city championing transformation Malawi, like many other African countries, is facing significant challenges related to energy and cooking practices. A large majority of its population relies heavily on traditional biomass fuels, such as firewood and charcoal, for cooking, which often has adverse effects on health, the environment, gender, and the nation’s economic well-being. National … Continued

The rapid, unplanned, and informal urbanisation in Africa underscores the urgent need for multi-level climate action. Unlocking finance at the local level, particularly in Africa, is crucial for transitioning towards a more sustainable and climate-conscious development pathway. Local governments are on the frontline of urban challenges and possess valuable insights into their communities’ needs. Direct … Continued

Latest news & resources AFRICAN CITIES LEAD NEW ERA OF FOOD SYSTEM COLLABORATION ICLEI Africa coordinates 26 partners and 20 cities in EU-funded food systems project Mayors, city officials and global experts gathered recently in Kisumu, Kenya, to chart a new path for food systems research in Africa. The meeting marked a significant milestone in … Continued

Assessing scalable solutions in Freetown

The ENACT project organises a capacity-building workshop on clean and modern energy cooking services in Kampala, Uganda

Key learnings from the Transformative Urban Mobility Initiative city-to-city exchange

in Kisumu County, Kenya

Climate change will undoubtedly present one of the most significant risks to Africa’s development objectives over the next decade and COP27 further highlighted this. African cities are already acting to combat climate change but these actions need to be scaled via access to increased finance. At COP27 in the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) … Continued