Lessons from a food systems webinar

It is the last decade for achieving the SDGs and local governments have a crucial role to play. Our research and workshops in South Africa have yielded practical tips for cities, towns and regions to do this work without adding an additional reporting burden to city officials’ to-do lists.

As populations grow and urbanise, the demand for productive land increases. Yet existing arable land is already at risk, a risk worsened by the impacts of climate change. Two experts meet to discuss what local governments and city residents can do to reduce their impact by enabling self-sufficiency at community-level.

African mayors and city leaders stand in solidarity in response to global crises

Featuring ICLEI members all across Africa

Nature, health and climate have always been connected. The COVID-19 pandemic is adding further impetus to the need for us to harness this connection to co-develop solutions with our cities that preserve the natural world that sustains us, combat the climate crisis, and enhance physical and mental well-being.