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Resource summary
Drawing on interviews with experts and researchers on the ground, this 3-part video series examines what research uptake means in an urban African context; experiences of how it can be, and has been, integrated into the research process; and its potential to underpin successful action and implementation.
Watch the first video in the 3-part series: What is Research Uptake?
One of the major critiques of development research in Africa, is the lack of translation of science-based research and evidence into policy making and societal outcomes. To address this disconnection between science, policy and society research uptake should be included as an integral part of any research process. This video explores what research uptake is, and how it has been foregrounded in the African Cities Research Consortium (ACRC) project, in which ICLEI Africa is a partner and uptake lead. Learn more: www.african-cities.org
Watch the video
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