Good practice examples of contextually relevant water technology from and for AfricaSmall-scale, locally-developed, climate-resilient technology and infrastructure has the potential to play a role in addressingthe looming threat and impacts of climate change. Recognising this, the African Water Adaptation through KnowledgeEmpowerment (AWAKE) project aims to enhance and share knowledge on the opportunities and constraints that … Continued

We enable cities, towns and municipalities to co-produce and implement disaster risk reduction strategies at the local level.

We create spaces for reflection and knowledge exchange to find innovative ways to plan in complexity through our Reflecting Cities project.

Urgent requests and day-to-day tasks often leave city officials with little time to pause and consider
how they want their cities to look in 10 years’ time and how to get there. When a recent workshop
granted them the space to do so, the plans for long-term transformation were inspired.

The first Reflecting Cities knowledge exchange brought together four African cities to grapple with their most pronounced urban challenges: transport, waste and urban greenery. With guidance from the ICLEI Africa team and local experts, they made the first steps in finding solutions that truly fit.

We support Sub-Saharan African cities to take concrete action in tackling climate change and providing sustainable energy through the CoM SSA Initiative.

We work with local governments to improve municipal planning for African cities for a climate resilient urban future.

We support Sub-Saharan African city stakeholders and subnational governments co-produce relevant knowledge for climate resilience.

We support local governments in Africa to protect and revitalise their urban natural assets by integrating nature-based solutions into land use planning for increased resilience.

In a time when our cities are bursting at the seams, we need deep, systemic change to build climate resilient cities through preserving our urban nature – laws and policies that embed nature in city planning. Changing policy is a slow, uphill journey, which makes our recent influence in Malawi all the more significant. Lilongwe … Continued