On 25 August 2014, ICLEI Member City Cape Town unveiled South Africa’s first green taxi rank. It operates entirely off the electricity grid, as it generates its own electricity, and it derives all the facility’s water (besides drinking water) from rooftop rainwater harvesting and recycling. As a transport facility, the Wallacedene taxi rank is unique, … Continued

The Rockefeller Foundation’s 100 Resilient Cities challenge 2014 has officially opened and applications will be accepted from cities that are adopting sustainable policies. The Rockefeller Foundation has identified increasing urbanisation and the increasing frequency and intensity of natural disasters as the biggest threats to resiliency. 75 per cent of the world’s population is expected to … Continued

The City of Cape Town has set itself a target of sourcing 10% of its electricity from renewable energy resources by 2020 and the roll-out of the small-scale embedded generation tariff supports this goal. ‘Simply put, those residents and businesses that generate their own electricity through alternative renewable energy resources will soon have the option … Continued

Each year Earth Overshoot Day is observed; a day that marks the date when Earth has used up its yearly resources and that date this year is August 19. In less than eight months Earth has managed to use up an entire year’s worth of environmental resources and each year it is happening sooner. This … Continued

Buy the State of African Cities now! Limited supply! The African continent is currently in the midst of simultaneously unfolding and highly significant demographic, economic, technological, environmental, urban and socio-political transitions. Africa’s economic performance is promising, with booming cities supporting growing middle classes and creating sizable consumer markets. But despite significant overall growth, not all of … Continued

ICLEI Africa, GIZ and the Kindondoni Municipality held a showday and final workshop for the Urban Nexus pilot project in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania this week. The project titled “Operationalisation of the Urban Nexus in Metropolitan regions” is a two-country pilot in Tanzania and India, with a global study and review of methods for implementing … Continued

Today announces the Semi-Finalists for the following contests, as selected by the Judges to advance to the next round of review. Semi-finalists proposals were rated on five criteria; novelty, workability, effectiveness, thoroughness, and presentation on how to tackle pressing climate change-related issues. ICLEI’s proposal was for Urban Resilience. Semi-Finalists are displayed on the contest’s homepage below: … Continued

KwaDukuza Municipality, in collaboration with ICLEI Africa through the Urban-LEDS project, recently conducted a training session with KwaDukuza Environmental Ward Forum members to build their skills, knowledge and capacity so they can champion the rollout of an exciting new initiative, and be the community trainers in the next phase of the project. The purpose of the … Continued

GPC 2.0 – an improved harmonized method for measuring cities’ GHG emissions – now open for public comments! Take the first version and make it even more powerful. After a successful nine-month pilot test from May 2013 to January 2014, the improved second version of the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC 2.0) is … Continued

Consultants and authors are invited to quote to work with ICLEI Africa, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and SALGA, through the Urban-LEDS project, to draft a case study on the experiences of project city Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in promoting local small scale embedded renewable energy generation, with brief additional reference to lessons learnt in other … Continued