At a glance
#AfricanCITYFOODMonth is a platform created to support cross sector, multi-stakeholder engagements and knowledge sharing about urban food systems. The platform recognises that food can be a powerful lever for solving many problems in cities as it is connected to how we plan and run our cities as well as our daily lives. Using food as an entry point in Africa, we can support daily nutrition and wellbeing for millions of urban dwellers, regenerate ecosystems, and connect urban residents. Moreover, sustainable food system initiatives have the potential to support mitigation and adaptation to the rapidly intensifying climate crisis, end the injustice of malnutrition, celebrate local food cultures and improve economic participation.
Every July, the annual #AfricanCITYFOODmonth campaign highlights diverse, innovative and evolving African urban food systems. The campaign provides a platform for insight, learning opportunities and support for local governments and food system stakeholders who are interested in shaping sustainable, nutritious and inclusive food systems.

We invite city leaders, food system stakeholders and urban citizens from across the continent to share your insights with us.
Share 2-5 minute videos showcasing your urban food initiatives. These can be of you speaking, or videos of projects or scenes. Share case studies, project reports and news articles which can add to the themes above.
Do you have ideas of how to improve the food systems you see around you?
#AfricanCITYFOODMonth 2024
“Unsung heroes: honouring the hands that feed us”
Change takes many forms – evident in the small actions, the everyday actions, the gentle actions and the joyful actions. This year we are celebrating the special kind of change that brews quietly in the backstreets and kitchens of our continent. The kind of actions that unfold quietly and unnoticed, until one day we look up to realise that things have changed radically. This year’s edition of the #AfricanCITYFOODMonth campaign aims to draw attention to the unsung heroes of our urban food systems and the hidden stories of how people shape their cities’ food systems.
The 2024 campaign will highlight a variety of bold food systems actors in our cities – those running community kitchens to keep hunger at bay, those working to revive vanishing food cultures, those nourishing our children, those sharing the little they have, those creating abundance from nothing, those inspiring hope where many see suffering, those growing businesses, those building community, those restoring the ecosystems that provide for us, those we’ve never heard of. Those nourishing the future, by acting today. Those who need to be celebrated and recognised.
Once again, #AfricanCITYFOODMonth will be convened in alignment with AfriFOODlinks, a four-year EU-funded project which proposes a new approach for equitably feeding and nourishing cities through safe, nutritious, and affordable food . This year’s theme, ‘Unsung Heroes’ will explore the ongoing actions, both big and small, that are taking place at the city-scale to transform our urban food systems. Most importantly, it elevates the personal stories and experiences of those shaping our urban food systems.
Be part of the campaign by participating in the webinar, and sharing case studies, resources and images on sustainable urban food systems with the hashtag #AfricanCITYFOODMonth on Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn.
#AfricanCITYFOODmonth is brought to you by ICLEI Africa in partnership with: African Centre for Cities, Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, Rikolto and the South African Urban Food and Farming Trust. It is supported by the AfriFOODlinks project, coordinated by ICLEI Africa, delivered by 26 partners across 65+ cities, and funded by the European Union.

Follow and join the campaign on Twitter and Instagram using #AfricanCityFoodMonth

Catch up on previous years of the #AfricanCITYFOOD Month Campaign
#AfricanCITYFOODmonth 2024 is set to honour the hands that feed us!
This year’s campaign spotlights the unsung heroes of our urban food systems and the hidden stories of how people shape their cities' food systems. We are sharing content that highlights the Unsung Heroes of food systems in our cities, showcases the voices of our partners and youth ambassadors, shares key research and outputs and enriches the global conversation about food.
Explore the Inspirational short video clips from the #AfriFOODlinks partners, showcasing the ways in which they are contributing to urban food systems transformation.
15 July- 26 August
#AfricanCITYFOODMonth 2024 Photo Competition: Unsung
This year, #AfricanCITYFOODMonth invites photographers across the continent to submit photographs and an accompanying short story of a hidden or unnoticed food systems hero or champion in their cities. This could be a grandparent keeping a traditional food culture alive, a researcher uncovering food system dynamics, a food vendor at the market, a small business selling vegetables in your neighbourhood, a city official championing food-related challenges, an entrepreneur in your area working with food waste and many more — each with a personality, story or outlook that will inspire!
22 July- 4 August
Urban Recipes” Exhibition
As part of Food Indaba 2024, AfriFOODlinks will be exhibiting the 12 shortlisted entries of the “Urban Recipes” photography competition that took place during #AfricanCITYFOODmonth 2023. Visit the exhibition at Makers Landing at the V&A Waterfront, in Cape Town or view virtual exhibition online.
25 July 2024
Exploring the role of local food policies and collaborative governance in driving urban food transitions: In conversation with city officials from Kisumu and Mbale.
Join the conversation and register today!
4 - 30 July 2023
#AfricanCITYFOODMonth 2023 Photo Competition: Urban Recipes
In 2023, photographers across the continent had the opportunity to share the ways in which inhabitants of their cities prepare tasty, affordable, and nutritious meals using locally produced ingredients. Explore the competition winners and shortlisted candidates in this Photography Showcase
10 July 2023
WEBINAR: Governing amidst crisis: how African local governments are taking action on food
African cities are in the midst of a polycrisis, experiencing rapid urbanisation and population growth, facing challenges of rising social inequalities, infrastructural backlogs, land degradation, and increasing exposure to climatic risks. This session focuses on understanding how African city officials are striving to make their cities’ food systems healthier, fairer and more resilient. Offering perspectives which span the breadth of the continent, panelists explore emerging interventions from within their cities, reflecting on what's worked, what hasn’t and their ideas for the future.
Nourishing our Cities towards Recovery
2022’s theme reflected on the journey of recovery that African cities are taking in the face of multiple shocks and stresses that are being experienced in our cities’ food systems. The exchanges reflected on whether cities and local governments are putting in place the governance processes and mechanisms as well as mobilising the resources required to steer the transformation of the food system to a more sustainable, resilient and inclusive path.
The campaign brought together key urban food systems actors such as policymakers, mayors, researchers, agrifood entrepreneurs, financiers and food system advocates to collectively chart a path forward. Beyond African cities, the campaign connected with other “South” cities in South America, such as Rio de Janeiro, to collectively share and explore the priorities of recovery for South cities and ways to mobilise resources to drive sustainable and resilient food systems.
Explore the 2022 photography competition exhibition here, or catch up on the webinars below:
12 July 2021
Investment Opportunities in Africa’s Urban Food Systems This session aimed to explore the different AgrInvest opportunities in African cities that can contribute to the sustainability and resilience of its urban food system.
14 July 2021
On the road to recovery: “Nourishing our Cities towards equitable recovery” This session unpacked the current and anticipated shocks to the food systems as well as what the recovery journey of cities actually entails in terms of the practical actions, cost, key partnerships and capacity.
21 July 2021
City-to-City City-to-City Exchange: Streamlining multi-level food systems governance between national and local level In this session unpacked some of the most pressing food related challenges faced by African cities and showcased innovative government-led initiatives for advancing sustainable food systems and innovative governance approaches.
28 July 2021
“South-South” Cities Exchange. African and Latin American Cities: Food System Priorities for Recovery This session will brought together identified African cities and Latin American cities to collectively share and explore the priorities of recovery for “South” cities as well as exchange on how to mobilise resources to drive sustainable and resilient recovery of their food systems.
Accelerating sustainable actions towards the transformation of Africa’s urban food systems.
Download the #AfricanCITYFOODmonth 2021 report
6 July 2021 | 2pm CAT
African City Food Exchange Part 1: What have we learnt from the UNFSS independent food dialogues process in 16 cities? This webinar will bring together food dialogue curators and food system champions to reflect on the dialogue processes and unpack transformative messages coming out of the conversations with African cities.
13 July 2021 | 12pm CAT
African City Food Exchange Part 2: A city-to-city workshop on achieving sustainable urban food systems. This city-to-city learning exchange will bring together cities on a journey of sharing and co-learning by thinking through and workshopping on the common food system challenges as well as sharing some of the systemic approaches in achieving sustainable food systems.
6 July 2021 | 2pm CAT
African City Food Exchange Part 1: What have we learnt from the UNFSS independent food dialogues process in 16 cities? This webinar will bring together food dialogue curators and food system champions to reflect on the dialogue processes and unpack transformative messages coming out of the conversations with African cities.
20 July 2021 | 2pm CAT
Sustainable Food Cultures: How our appetites can transform our cities. We are what we eat, and our urban areas are shaped by the decisions and actions around the food system. How we grow, make, share and consume our food has the potential to positively transform our cities.
27 July 2021 | 2pm CAT
Where Chemistry, Storytelling and Policy Collide: Lessons from the Inclusive Metabolism Project. This webinar reflects on the outcomes of the 3-year Leading Integrated Research in Africa (LIRA) 2030 project on informality and urban metabolism in African urban food systems.
29 July 2021 | 2pm CAT
Multiplicities (Menu) of entry points into urban food governance through the lenses of “Food Sensitive Urban Planning” and the “City Region Food System. Food system experts from RUAF, FAO, ICLEI, the African Centre for Cities as well as city practitioners will share some of the key processes, approaches and resources, with case studies, on how cities can identify their priorities and embark on the journey of urban food systems transformation.
28 May 2020: World Hunger Day
Launch of the #AfricanCITYFOODMonth campaign on Twitter and Instagram.
Read our Director’s message here.
23 June 2020: Systems approaches to food and nutrition security and urban resilience: Lessons from Cape Town and Kumasi
As part of the Inclusive Metabolism project, researchers and city officials from Cape Town, South Africa, and Kumasi, Ghana, share their perspectives on how improving food systems can have wider socio-economic benefits for society, building resilience to shocks.
1 July 2020 – 3 July 2020: Food in our Cities
We map the components of Africa’s city region food systems: who are the stakeholders, what are the processes, policies, and actors influencing the behaviour and responsiveness of the food system? We further highlight some of the work done by key actors through a webinar, thought pieces and photography.
1 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
Welcome to #AfricanCITYFOODmonth: How should we understand food in our cities?
6 July 2020 – 10 July 2020: Covid and Food Security
The theme reflects on the work done by FAO and city food stakeholders in defining food security and the factors affecting levels of food insecurity in Africa. It calls us to envision what a resilient and nutritious city-region food system could look like to ensure food security in African cities.
7 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
Food, climate and COVID-19: Stories from our cities
13 July 2020 – 17 July 2020: Nourishing our Cities
About 58.6 million children experience stunting in Africa due to poor nutrition. We explore what nutrition and malnutrition are, the extent and impacts of both in African cities and how local African foods and cuisine can contribute to nutritious diets.
15 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
Nourishing our cities
20 July 2020 – 24 July 2020: Sustainable Food Value Chains
We showcase how both formal and informal supply chains are ensuring safe and undisrupted supply of food, during and post COVID- 19, through photography, thought pieces and highlighting case studies in African cities.
21 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
Food and the circular economy
27 July 2020 – 31 July 2020: Youth, Women, Business & Innovation in Urban Food Systems
Africa’ s agri-food sector has significant potential to meet the region’s growing demand for nutritious food. The theme unpacks FAO’s AgriInvest concept, investment opportunities in Africa’s food systems and the role of youth and women in agri-food business.
29 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
How youth- and women-led small businesses can improve our local food systems
31 July 2020 | 2:00pm – 3:30pm CAT
Our future food systems
Links to articles & resources
- State of the City Food System Report – Kisumu
- State of the City Food System Report – Cape Town
- State of the City Food System Report – Ouagadougou
- State of the City Food System Report – Mbale
- State of the City Food System Report – Tunis
- African CITYFOOD Month 2021 report
- FAO Framework for the Urban Food Agenda (FAO, 2019)
- Urban Food Systems Governance and Poverty in African Cities (Battersby and Watson, 2019)
- Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture
- What makes urban food policy happen? Insights from 5 Case Studies. (Hawkes and Halliday, 2017)
- 2018 Global Nutrition Report (Development Initiatives, 2018)
- An Introduction to the Basic Concepts of Food Security (FAO, 2008)
- Urban food systems and COVID-19: The role of cities and local governments in responding to the emergency (FAO, 2020)
- Investments for Healthy Food Systems (UNSCN, 2016)
- Food for Cities. What roles for local governments in the global South? (AFD, 2017)
- Food Loss and Waste in the Context of Sustainable Food Systems (HLPE, 2014)
- Sustainable Food Systems. Concepts and Frameworks (FAO, 2018)
- Collaborative Framework for Food Systems Transformation: A multistakeholder pathway for sustainable food systems (UNEP, 2019)
- Africa’s Evolving Food Systems. Drivers for change and the scope for influencing them (Jayne, Meyer and Traub, 2014)
- The State of the World’s Biodiversity for Food and Agriculture (FAO, 2019)
- AfricanCITYFOODMonth report 2020
- Localising the SDGs through an urban food lens in the global south: Lessons from the Hungry Cities Project.