Events & campaigns

Through our annual flagship events, impactful thematic campaigns and expert webinars, we inspire action, accelerate change and strengthen partnerships.

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Inspire action by showcasing successes of our cities and partners



24 may 2023

RISE Africa Action Festival

Planned around Africa Day (25 May) RISE Africa Action Festival offers a creative and collaborative platform to exchange ideas and promising practices, and foster interdisciplinary, cross-sector, Pan-African coalitions for exchange and support towards action.

Each year, sessions are curated around a particular theme – inspiring urban thinkers, doers and enablers to commit to taking tangible actions toward sustainable cities.


Local Climate Solutions 4 Africa (LoCS4Africa)

ICLEI Africa’s LoCS4Africa 2020 virtual congress, in partnership with The Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa and co-hosted by The Government of Rwanda and The City of Kigali, will strengthen cooperation that will lead to significant climate action. The LoCS4Africa 2020 theme, Financing for Change, aims to respond to the growing acknowledgement worldwide that, to tackle climate change, city-scale finance must be mobilised. Local finance will give subnational actors access to the resources they need to respond effectively to climate change impacts that manifest at the local level, and harness the emission reduction potential in cities.

From 16 September - 16 October annually

African Mobility Month

The urgent transformation of our mobility systems has become ever more pressing for creating equitable and sustainable urban environments that also contribute to achieving global development and climate action agendas such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement.

From 16 September – 16 October each year, #AfricanMobilityMonth aims to mobilise a strong collective effort and build momentum for shifting mobility paradigms in African cities.

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July annually

African CITY FOOD Month

Food can be a powerful lever for solving many of our cities’ problems; it is connected to so much of how we plan and run our cities, as well as our daily lives.

Every July, the annual #AfricanCITYFOODmonth campaign highlights diverse, innovative and evolving African urban food systems. The campaign provides a platform for insight, learning opportunities and support for local governments and relevant stakeholders who are interested in shaping sustainable, nutritious and inclusive food systems.

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