The City of Arusha in northern Tanzania not only has a large and growing urban population, but increasingly has an international role, as the host city of the East African Community (EAC) and the International Tribunal for Rwanda. This rapidly developing ICLEI member has now developed a strategy to curb its traffic congestion problems, with … Continued

The ICLEI Global Town Hall @ Metropolitan Solutions opened with businesses and cities coming together to create brighter futures for its citizens. “Cities fighting climate change and mitigation are cities where people are sitting together (transport, businesses, buildings, governments) and working with each other towards finding solutions. You need to get out of your box … Continued

On 27 March Cape Town was crowned as the winner of the Earth Hour City Challenge 2014, a competition developed by WWF and ICLEI to identify cities around the world playing their role in combating climate change. 6 South African Cities entered this year for the first time, and all should be congratulated on their … Continued

Journeys Towards Sustainability – City Of Cape Town

cewas is the international incubator for Start-Ups in water, sanitation and resource management based in Willisau (Switzerland). The fourth cewas Start-Up programme is directed at graduates who want to start their own business or NGO in this field. Young entrepreneurs-to-be are supported in the formation of their Start-Up with advanced training modules, business coaching and … Continued

Taking place from 7-11 April 2014, is the platform for city-business dialogues, bringing together local governments and businesses for five days of face-to-face conversation and information exchange. Located in the middle of Metropolitan Solutions, the Global Town Hall Forum provides the main venue for public discussions and presentations, using innovative and proven formats.  Click here

World Water Day is an annual event that aims to raise awareness of water, a critical resource in our urban environments. To celebrate WWD we asked the cities in the European Commission funded ‘SURe Water 4 Africa: Developing LoCS’ project what they were doing to celebrate. Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in South Africa, an implementing … Continued

The time has long since past when development of cities via silo and singular implementation outcomes was best-practice. Nowadays with the cumulative risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, cities have to change how they progress, build, develop and plan. Every opportunity for saving resources means that precious municipal budget can be saved, and resources … Continued

The Howard G. Buffett Foundation, Nature Conservation Trust and SANParks Announce Historic R255 Million Commitment to Combat Poaching, Conflict in Africa. Three-year effort will intensify protection of Kruger National Park’s rhino population, drawing lessons to address poaching that finances conflict in Africa. The Howard G. Buffett Foundation (HGBF), a private foundation in the United States; … Continued

Re-imagining Sustainable Urban Transitions