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Networks & initiatives

Our networks & initiatives CitiesWithNature & RegionsWithNature Cities Race to Resilience Cities Race to Zero CoM SSA Secretariat CITYFOOD About CitiesWithNature summary CitiesWithNature is a global partnership initiative of leading organisations, including ICLEI, IUCN, TNC, WWF and UNEP, that offers cities free access to an online platform where they can connect, share, learn, act and … Continued


South African Urban-LEDS municipalities forge ahead to reduce greenhouse gas emissions

South African municipalities encouraged to report their climate change response actions through the carbonn Climate Registry South African municipalities are increasingly implementing projects to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, as part of their participation in the international flagship project Promoting Low Emission Urban Development Strategies in Emerging Economy Countries (Urban-LEDS). Funded by the European Union to … Continued


AfriFOODlinks quarterly newsletter | December 2023

Subscribe here PROJECT UPDATES Laying the foundations for intercontinental city exchange In an era of rapid urbanisation and increasing pressure on the complex infrastructures which support urban food systems, collaboration and knowledge-sharing across borders has never been more important. Recognizing the crucial role of cities in transforming food systems, AfriFOODlinks has set ambitious goals to … Continued


Our reach

Disaster Risk Reduction in African Cities Project Disaster Risk Reduction in African Cities Project Disaster Risk Reduction in African Cities Project BRokering Innovation for Decentralised climate finance and Gender Equality Project Supporting a Just Transition in Steve Tshwete Project Designing Inclusive African Coastal City Resilience Project Designing Inclusive African Coastal City Resilience Project Building resilience … Continued



ICLEI is a global network with a bold vision for a sustainable urban future Working with and effectively advocating for local and subnational governments in the global arena for over 30 years.​ OUR REASONS Why join forces with ICLEI Africa? The immense, interconnected urban sustainability challenges our world, and our continent in particular, currently face … Continued