Bridging finance and biodiversity: Crucial steps for African city resilience Amidst the escalating challenges posed by climate change and biodiversity loss, African cities find themselves at a critical juncture, where the intersection of finance and biodiversity holds immense significance for resilience. With more than half the world’s Gross Domestic Product  (GDP) relying on biodiversity and … Continued

A cohort of ICLEI Africa’s cutting-edge new resilience projects will deliver tangible outcomes in the coming year. Together, they will strengthen urban resilience in African cities, increasing preparedness and alleviating disasters, tackling climate shifts, and aiming to secure vital climate finance. In response to the urgent challenges posed by climate change and its devastating impacts, … Continued

Back to main COP28 page arrow_back Our cities and regions across the continent are gearing up to make their voices heard loud and clear at COP28, through a range of interventions, stressing the urgent need to scale up a rigorous all-of-economy, all-of-society approach which leads to urgent and significant climate action this decade. This year, … Continued

Back to main COP28 page arrow_back Our cities and regions across the continent are gearing up to make their voices heard loud and clear at COP28, through a range of interventions, stressing the urgent need to scale up a rigorous all-of-economy, all-of-society approach which leads to urgent and significant climate action this decade. This year, … Continued

Back to main COP28 page arrow_back Our cities and regions across the continent are gearing up to make their voices heard loud and clear at COP28, through a range of interventions, stressing the urgent need to scale up a rigorous all-of-economy, all-of-society approach which leads to urgent and significant climate action this decade. This year, … Continued