We support inclusive and sustainable food systems in the rebuilding economies of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Provinces through the FoodforRebuilding project.

We facilitate the engagement of local governments, partners, investors, financiers and food system stakeholders for investment in urban food systems.

We co-developed the Water Security Strategy for the City of Johannesburg by defining challenges and designing remedial strategic responses.

Following a recent call for applications, the Enabling African Cities for Transformative Energy Access’ (ENACT) implementing partners ICLEI Africa and Energy 4 Impact, with support from the Freetown City Council (FCC), have awarded just over £100,000 in grants to three energy companies to find feasible clean cooking solutions for Susan’s Bay informal settlement in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The funding for Afrigas, ILEM Africa … Continued

Mayors and Governors of coastal cities, from small towns to megalopolises, have come together at the One Ocean Summit to tackle sea level rise, one of the major threats to our territories and citizens.

We developed an African approach to circular economy implementation in cities that can improve the uptake of circular ideas and practices.

Rwanda has ambitious plans for taking climate action and its cities are feeding into these plans with tangible actions that will not only contribute to the country’s overall climate goals, but also provide the growing urban population with the type of infrastructure projects that will increase their quality of life while protecting the environment. Here … Continued

By Kweku Koranteng

A message to our cities and townsahead of World Cities Day Ms Kobie Brand Deputy Secretary General, ICLEI Regional Director, ICLEI Africa On Sunday we celebrate World Cities Day, this year focused on adapting to climate change and building urban resilience. It is important to remember that truly resilient cities and regions not only tackle the … Continued