South Africa demonstrates local government’s role in localising the SDGs to ‘Leave No One Behind’. ICLEI Africa co-hosted a local government SDG symposium to assess progress made on “Leaving No One Behind” in South Africa. The critical role of local governments in achieving Agenda 2030 was highlighted and ICLEI Africa presented a roadmap for localising … Continued

Pas moins de 37 capitales africaines -un nombre jamais atteint depuis la création du Forum- ont participé à la cinquième édition du Forum des Capitales Africaines Durables (ACCSF), dans la capitale sud-africaine, les 24 et 25 juin 2019. Les Maires des capitales africaines et leurs représentants se sont engagés collectivement en faveur du développement durable … Continued

Mayors commit to collective responsibility for realising sustainable African capital cities A record number of 37 African capital cities participated in the fifth African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF) from 24 to 25 June. Through the adoption of the Tshwane Declaration of 2019, Mayors and their representatives committed to collective responsibility for sustainable African capital … Continued

expanding ways of knowing the climateto strengthen the resilience of cities expanding ways of knowing the climateto strengthen the resilience of cities

We build local government capacity to sustainably manage regional biodiversity and ecosystem services and strengthen resilience.