Urgent requests and day-to-day tasks often leave city officials with little time to pause and consider
how they want their cities to look in 10 years’ time and how to get there. When a recent workshop
granted them the space to do so, the plans for long-term transformation were inspired.

We support Sub-Saharan African cities to take concrete action in tackling climate change and providing sustainable energy through the CoM SSA Initiative.

We work with local governments to improve municipal planning for African cities for a climate resilient urban future.

The province of KwaZulu-Natal felt the impact of climate change acutely this year. In April, 71 people died and thousands were displaced following severe flooding. Premier Sihle Zikalala acknowledges that climate change is partially responsible for the severity of the floods. He also noted the annual sardine run – an iconic and internationally renowned natural … Continued

ICLEI Africa has been providing climate change technical support to African cities for decades. One area of support is helping cities report on their climate change progress and actions. An example from 2019 is that we assisted seven African cities in achieving significant climate reporting milestones. “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” … Continued

In a world where significant environmental changes are affecting global communities, researchers are challenging the view that science is superior to local knowledge and acknowledging with respect and care, the lived experience of those dealing with the impacts of climate change. These transformative ways of learning invite all who call a city home to co-produce … Continued

ICLEI is calling on citizens of African cities to celebrate walking, cycling and all forms of active mobility during African Mobility Month from 20 September to 20 October 2019. Showing public demand for safe infrastructure aims to attract national government support. Africa’s middle class is rapidly expanding. As incomes increase, rising car ownership is threatening … Continued

In Ilala Municipality, Dar es Salaam, large open green spaces are few and far between. Pockets of land left open by city planners quickly become informally re-purposed by street vendors to sell fruit and vegetables, by the urban poor for development of informal dwellings or are even used as waste dumping areas. But the Urban Natural … Continued

South Africa demonstrates local government’s role in localising the SDGs to ‘Leave No One Behind’. ICLEI Africa co-hosted a local government SDG symposium to assess progress made on “Leaving No One Behind” in South Africa. The critical role of local governments in achieving Agenda 2030 was highlighted and ICLEI Africa presented a roadmap for localising … Continued