On 29 May 2018, the Urban LEDS-II Summit, held in Gauteng, brought Urban-LEDS project cities from South Africa together to share the various challenges their cities face in relation to climate change, as well as the opportunities in addressing these challenges, in a peer-to-peer exchange. The Urban-LEDS project, funded by the European Commission, and implemented by UN-Habitat and ICLEI, … Continued

The Urban-LEDS ll Summit held in Braamfontein, Johannesburg opened on 29 May 2018 with the inception meeting of the Urban-LEDS ll National Project Advisory Group (NPAG). This is a high-level group comprised of representatives from leaders in low emissions and climate resilient development in South Africa. The purpose of the National Project Advisory Group (NPAG) is to … Continued

African cities are urbanising rapidly, and with this comes increasing demand for safe and efficient transport to link the growing urban population to economic opportunities. Currently, congestion hampers the movement of people and goods in many African cities and hinders the socio-economic development that these cities so desperately require. Fortunately solutions exist, with many African … Continued

ICLEI, as the focal point for the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency at the climate change COPs, always plays a significant role in promoting the important work that cities are doing to contribute to the amelioration of climate change, and COP23 was no different. COP23 took place from 6-17 November this year in Bonn, … Continued

The Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders will be held on 12 November in Bonn, Germany, and is the premier gathering of local and regional governments at COP23. It is the jumping off point for key initiatives and partnerships that support implementation of the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that when cities, regions, businesses, communities and all levels of … Continued

Today, Sub-Saharan African cities appealed to their peers to join the voluntary initiative Covenant of Mayors in Sub-Saharan Africa as a framework for developing and implementing effective local climate and energy actions. Sub-Saharan cities across the continent invited their peers to join Covenant of Mayors Initiative in Sub-Saharan Africa (CoM SSA) to make a voluntarily … Continued

One year after Dar es Salaam became East Africa’s first city to implement a bus-rapid transit system, the Tanzanian capital has been awarded a major transportation prize. SANTIAGO, Chile — One year after Dar es Salaam became East Africa’s first city to implement a bus-rapid transit system, the Tanzanian capital has been awarded a major … Continued