Engaging sessions, meaningful interactions and inspiring conversations. Our team, our organisation and our initiatives had a strong presence in all corners of the summit.

We support inclusive and sustainable food systems in the rebuilding economies of KwaZulu-Natal and Gauteng Provinces through the FoodforRebuilding project.

We facilitate the engagement of local governments, partners, investors, financiers and food system stakeholders for investment in urban food systems.

We support the mitigation of climate change impacts by creating an enabling regulatory and financial environment to accelerate the transition to e-mobility.

We co-developed the Water Security Strategy for the City of Johannesburg by defining challenges and designing remedial strategic responses.

Following a recent call for applications, the Enabling African Cities for Transformative Energy Access’ (ENACT) implementing partners ICLEI Africa and Energy 4 Impact, with support from the Freetown City Council (FCC), have awarded just over £100,000 in grants to three energy companies to find feasible clean cooking solutions for Susan’s Bay informal settlement in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The funding for Afrigas, ILEM Africa … Continued

Mayors and Governors of coastal cities, from small towns to megalopolises, have come together at the One Ocean Summit to tackle sea level rise, one of the major threats to our territories and citizens.

We highlight challenges and solutions for African cities while identifying options for networking and collaboration between cities and urban stakeholders.

A recent workshop with four intermediary cities in South Africa equipped city officials with much-needed information on renewable energy technology and building capacity to finance clean energy projects. South Africa has one of the highest electrification rates in sub-Saharan Africa, but it’s one of the highest emitters of greenhouse gas emissions due to its high … Continued