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Dar Es Salaam City Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan

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Dar Es Salaam City Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan


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Resource summary

Ilala Municipality is the central urban hub of Dar es Salaam City. It supports major trade, tourism, fisheries, agriculture, business and transport activities. The vibrancy of this portion of Dar es Salaam draws attention to the need for biodiversity and urban nature to support an increasingly busy city centre and rapidly changing peri-urban areas. In a fast growing Municipality, we need to protect the natural resources that people depend upon for their livelihoods and enhance the natural assets that improve quality of life for people working and living in the city. Increasingly, the world has recognised the impact of urbanisation on biodiversity and the unique role that local and sub-national governments can play in activating local support for national and global biodiversity goals. Ilala Municipal Council is proud to present the first Local Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan for Tanzania. We are inspired by the Ilala Biodiversity vision and focal areas and the emphasis on supporting development needs. Implementation is now our imperative.

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