The Future Cities Catapult has published Urban Innovation and Investment, a new report explaining for the first time how International Financial Institutions (IFIs) are responding to the rapid rise in urbanisation and how they will help us build the cities of the future. Based on case studies of 13 IFIs, combined with interviews with 21 representatives … Continued

With less than six months left to the UNFCCC COP 21 in Paris, local governments in Africa gathered in the Ivory Coast to work together to find common goals ahead of the watershed congress. Held from 24 – 25th June in Yamoussoukro, Lakes Region, in the Ivory Coast, the summit was co-organised by the Ivory Coast … Continued

The City’s Fleet Greening Programme will help to reduce the demand for conventional fossil fuel vehicles and will lead to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. On Friday 19 June Executive Mayor Councillor Parks Tau and Mally Mokoena – Member of the Mayoral Committee for Group Corporate and Shared Services Councillor – launched the Fleet … Continued

Marketing videos to showcase implementation projects in Urban-LEDS municipalities Download the terms of reference here and the Leadership Showcase concept note here

ICLEI Africa attended the Ninth Session of the Committee on Sustainable Development and Africa Regional Forum on Sustainable Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. This high-level meeting is bringing together government ministries and agencies, major groups and other stakeholders to the UN processes. ICLEI is considered as a major group representing Local Governments and Municipal Authorities with regional … Continued

The Association of Local Authorities of Tanzania’s (ALAT) Secretary General Mr Shamumoyo is flying the flag for Tanzanian Local Authorities at Resilient Cities 2015 in Bonn, Germany. ALAT is a membership based organisation that brings together all the urban and district councils in Tanzania and whose overall vision is to be a representative voice for all … Continued

The Subnational Integration of LEDS Working Group has released a new publication highlighting key opportunities, barriers and solutions they could better engage and support their cities and subnational government counterparts to unlock and accelerate mitigation actions, and strengthen both national and international commitments. Download the publication here! About LEDS Global Partnership The Low Emission Development … Continued

At the 2015 Resilient Cities Congress, which forms part of a series of annual global forums, which focus on urban resilience and adaptation, the Deputy Mayor, on behalf of the Mayor of Kaohsiung City, signed the Durban Commitment: Local Governments for Biodiversity. The Durban Commitment was developed and founded by the 21 pioneer Local Action for … Continued

The database identifies sustainable energy projects that have been implemented in the Western Cape to date, and how these have been implemented. The database identifies sustainable energy projects that have been implemented in the Western Cape to date, and how these have been implemented. The database aims to share information and lessons learnt in order to … Continued

Scientists, corporate leaders, military strategists, financial analysts, and sustainability and conservation experts have all hailed a briefing series focusing on the implications of climate change for cities and various sectors. Comprising the series are 13 briefings based on the Fifth Assessment Report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and compiled by the University of Cambridge Institute for … Continued