Urban metabolism is an intuitive concept aimed at managing resource consumption and making cities more sustainable. The concept is most studied in the Global North, and there is little insight into how we implement urban metabolism principles in the Global South. Urban Intertwininga new ICLEI Africa project, intends to reframe the principles, tools and approaches of urban metabolism to be practical, tangible and applicable to cities on our continent. This will be achieved by embracing the decentralised, informal, fluid and interconnected nature of our resource systems to shape thriving, equitable African cities.

IFWEN updates: Exploring innovation How do we improve the productivity and co-benefits across food, water and energy sectors, and how can we use nature’s benefits to do this, while restoring nature in the process? The IFWEN project, which convenes ICLEI Africa, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), The Nature of Cities (TNOC) and … Continued

ICLEI is calling on citizens of African cities to celebrate walking, cycling and all forms of active mobility during African Mobility Month from 20 September to 20 October 2019. Showing public demand for safe infrastructure aims to attract national government support. Africa’s middle class is rapidly expanding. As incomes increase, rising car ownership is threatening … Continued

South Africa demonstrates local government’s role in localising the SDGs to ‘Leave No One Behind’. ICLEI Africa co-hosted a local government SDG symposium to assess progress made on “Leaving No One Behind” in South Africa. The critical role of local governments in achieving Agenda 2030 was highlighted and ICLEI Africa presented a roadmap for localising … Continued

This year, Resilient Cities, a milestone international event held in Bonn, Germany from 26 to 28 June, celebrated its 10th anniversary.African-led solutions, in particular, contributed a unique insight into future urban resilience. Organised by ICLEI and the city of Bonn, the annual conference connects local government leaders and experts to discuss resilience challenges facing urban … Continued

Pas moins de 37 capitales africaines -un nombre jamais atteint depuis la création du Forum- ont participé à la cinquième édition du Forum des Capitales Africaines Durables (ACCSF), dans la capitale sud-africaine, les 24 et 25 juin 2019. Les Maires des capitales africaines et leurs représentants se sont engagés collectivement en faveur du développement durable … Continued

Mayors commit to collective responsibility for realising sustainable African capital cities A record number of 37 African capital cities participated in the fifth African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF) from 24 to 25 June. Through the adoption of the Tshwane Declaration of 2019, Mayors and their representatives committed to collective responsibility for sustainable African capital … Continued

The Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and ICLEI are collaborating, together with RUAF Foundation and C40, to collectively promote and support subnational take-up and engagement regarding food policy and action. This is being undertaken in line with global targets and ambitions articulated in SDG 2* and through initiatives such as the … Continued