A guide to prioritising people in urban African sustainable development projects
in Kisumu County, Kenya
Opening Statement of the LGMA constituency at COP27
Local government officials from eight African cities came together with the ICLEI Africa team to share what circular development means for their jurisdictions.
Register to join Urban Africa in Action at COP27 sessions either in-person or virtually in four easy steps: Register to join us at the LGMA Multilevel Action Pavilion for free here (for both in-person and virtual attendees). You will then receive a confirmation email prompting you to either download the Whova event application or use the web … Continued
How ICLEI Africa uses a rights based food systems approach to address food inequities.
Reflections from Africa Climate Week by Dr Meggan Spires, Director: Climate Change, Energy & Resilience at ICLEI Africa
African cities are hard hit by climate change impacts. For over two decades ICLEI Africa has been working with partners and our African cities to support them in developing evidence-based climate resilience plans. In 2022 multiple plans have been co-developed and launched, and the focus is now on implementation, finance and action. African cities are … Continued
Leaders from nine coastal African cities get together to understand the interconnections of coastal resilience and to find practical solutions and research interventions that will ensure all-round resilient coastal urban areas. Africa’s people are migrating to cities, especially coastal cities. By 2025, 800 million people will live in cities where sea levels could rise more … Continued