African cities are hard hit by climate change impacts. For over two decades ICLEI Africa has been working with partners and our African cities to support them in developing evidence-based climate resilience plans. In 2022 multiple plans have been co-developed and launched, and the focus is now on implementation, finance and action. African cities are … Continued

Leaders from nine coastal African cities get together to understand the interconnections of coastal resilience and to find practical solutions and research interventions that will ensure all-round resilient coastal urban areas. Africa’s people are migrating to cities, especially coastal cities. By 2025, 800 million people will live in cities where sea levels could rise more … Continued

Is language creating a barrier to showcasing Africa’s best efforts?

Originaly published on the COP27 Presidency website. Partners and experts, from the urban and the climate communities discussed concepts and mechanisms to reach more sustainable cities in the Sustainable Cities Initiative Workshop, hosted by the COP27 Presidency of Egypt in collaboration with The United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat) and facilitated by ICLEI – Local … Continued

Local and national leaders take charge to protect the world’s oceans. These are the stand-out sessions hosted by ICLEI

The annual campaign, running throughout July, was created in 2020 to support cross-sector, multi-stakeholder engagements and knowledge sharing about urban food systems. This year’s theme, “Nourishing our Cities toward Equitable Recovery”, reflects on the journey of recovery that African cities are taking in the face of multiple shocks and stresses that are being  experienced in our … Continued

Engaging sessions, meaningful interactions and inspiring conversations. Our team, our organisation and our initiatives had a strong presence in all corners of the summit.

Following a recent call for applications, the Enabling African Cities for Transformative Energy Access’ (ENACT) implementing partners ICLEI Africa and Energy 4 Impact, with support from the Freetown City Council (FCC), have awarded just over £100,000 in grants to three energy companies to find feasible clean cooking solutions for Susan’s Bay informal settlement in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The funding for Afrigas, ILEM Africa … Continued

Mayors and Governors of coastal cities, from small towns to megalopolises, have come together at the One Ocean Summit to tackle sea level rise, one of the major threats to our territories and citizens.