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Your search results for "gauteng declaration"

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Local Government Energy Summit affirms positive change, innovation and bold action needed to create a sustainable energy future

SALGA, the South African Local Government Association, hosted the first Local Government Energy Summit, from 7 to 9 March 2018, in Gauteng, South Africa. Over 700 delegates from municipalities, including mayors, municipal managers, and technical officials, as well as a range of organisations, attended the three day summit, with the theme “Defining the Energy Future … Continued


Renewed commitment to accelerating local action: Africities 2015 Summit

Local authorities from Africa convened in Johannesburg, South Africa attending the Africities Summit that took place from 29 November to 3 December. Under the guidance of the theme – SHAPING THE FUTURE OF AFRICA WITH THE PEOPLE: THE CONTRIBUTION OF AFRICAN LOCAL AUTHORITIES TO AGENDA 2063 OF THE AFRICAN UNION- the summit provided a platform … Continued


ICLEI at 2nd Preparatory Committee Meeting of HABITATIII

ICLEI shares the vision of building a world of local action and outcomes of World Congress 2015 with HABITATIII delegations attending the Second Meeting of the Preparatory Committee in Nairobi, Kenya on 14-16 April 2015. Core ICLEI delegation at HABITATIII PrepCom2 includes; – Mauricio Rodas Espinel, Mayor, Quito, Ecuador; Member of ICLEI Global Executive Committee … Continued


Activating an all-of-society approach to implementing The Urban Agenda

ICLEI Africa has partnered with the South African Cities Network (SACN) this year to host the 2018 South African Urban Conference, which takes place on 30 and 31 October 2018 in Johannesburg. Other partners include various national government departments, Gauteng provincial government, the South African Local Government Association (SALGA) and the South African Council for … Continued


City of Tshwane announces new energy efficiency actions to aid carbon neutrality by 2050

New Policies for Net-Zero Buildings and Efficiency Retrofits Reaffirm City’s Commitment to Building Efficiency Accelerator. Today, the City of Tshwane, South Africa, took its energy efficiency efforts to the next level, announcing new commitments to retrofit and refurbish public buildings with the assistance of the Building Efficiency Accelerator (BEA). The BEA is a public-private initiative … Continued