100% Renewables Cities & Regions Roadmap
We support cities and regions to effectively implement local climate action by developing a roadmap to attract funding.

Years active:
2019 - 2024
Related ICLEI Pathway(s)
Funded by

Project summary
To implement the Paris Agreement, signed by 195 countries, net zero emissions in the second half of the century need to be achieved. This requires an unprecedented transformation of energy systems and switching to renewable energy (RE) options across sectors. According to the IPCC (2014), the largest opportunities for future urban GHG emissions reduction are in rapidly urbanizing areas.
The Towards 100% Renewable Energy in Cities and Regions for climate mitigation (or 100% RE) Project is funded by International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). It is implemented by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in three countries; Argentina, Kenya and Indonesia. In order to facilitate sustainable energy transition, the project will support selected local and regional governments in these countries to:
- Develop a community-wide 100% RE strategy and action plan;
- Increase local awareness and stakeholder engagement;
- Assess local RE potential;
- Develop local bankable projects and explore access to finance implementation;
- Consolidate methodological tools and resources; and
- Create opportunities for peer learning, and attendance of regional and global events including the Conference of Parties (COP).
View the Progress report on 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap project in Kenya (June 2022 – May 2023) here.
To implement the Paris Agreement, signed by 195 countries, net zero emissions in the second half of the century need to be achieved. This requires an unprecedented transformation of energy systems and switching to renewable energy (RE) options across sectors. According to the IPCC (2014), the largest opportunities for future urban GHG emissions reduction are in rapidly urbanizing areas.
The Towards 100% Renewable Energy in Cities and Regions for climate mitigation (or 100% RE) Project is funded by International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU). It is implemented by ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability in three countries; Argentina, Kenya and Indonesia. In order to facilitate sustainable energy transition, the project will support selected local and regional governments in these countries to:
- Develop a community-wide 100% RE strategy and action plan;
- Increase local awareness and stakeholder engagement;
- Assess local RE potential;
- Develop local bankable projects and explore access to finance implementation;
- Consolidate methodological tools and resources; and
- Create opportunities for peer learning, and attendance of regional and global events including the Conference of Parties (COP).
View the Progress report on 100% Renewables Cities and Regions Roadmap project in Kenya (June 2022 – May 2023) here.
Project aims
The project 100% RE Project aims to:
- Support cities and regions to effectively implement local climate action, by developing a roadmap “towards 100% RE”;
- Contribute to national climate and energy targets of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs); and
- Support achievement of policy objectives including enhanced energy security, improved energy efficiency and job creation.
The project will also promote multi-level governance policy dialogues, strengthen capacities of key stakeholders through various workshops and encourage the development of enabling frameworks at national, regional and local level to unlock RE and energy efficiency potential.
The project 100% RE Project aims to:
- Support cities and regions to effectively implement local climate action, by developing a roadmap “towards 100% RE”;
- Contribute to national climate and energy targets of the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs); and
- Support achievement of policy objectives including enhanced energy security, improved energy efficiency and job creation.
The project will also promote multi-level governance policy dialogues, strengthen capacities of key stakeholders through various workshops and encourage the development of enabling frameworks at national, regional and local level to unlock RE and energy efficiency potential.
Project highlights
Kisumu County Roadmap Towards 100% Renewable Energy by 2050
Ready-to-finance project and 4 concept notes
Energy Status and Analysis reports for Kisumu County
Kickstarting 100%RE activities in Kisumu County
City-to-City exchanges