In South Africa, smaller municipalities are finding ways to fill data gaps prevalent across Africa and it is taking them a crucial step closer to accessing the finance they need for tangible, climate projects.

The signing of the Nakuru County Climate Change Act, 2020 establishes the County Climate Change Fund, a pioneering financial mechanism that makes addressing climate change a legal requirement.

Empowering municipalities to finance embedded generation projects with ICLEI Africa’s UK PACT South Africa project.

To address the electricity access challenge by 2030 will require an estimated annual investment of about £20.69 billion in electricity and about £1.45 billion in clean cooking solutions. Partnerships and collaboration are key in achieving this, as illustrated in these five success stories from Kenya, South Africa, India, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. For decades, governments in … Continued

We address the resource and capacity gap of intermediary cities in applying for financing of renewable energy embedded generation projects.

How subnational and national governments can work together to achieve Nationally Determined Contributions and honour the Paris Agreement