Around 11 million South Africans are food insecure and it is estimated that a further 15 million in other Southern African countries (including Malawi, Zimbabwe, Namibia and Botswana) also go to bed hungry.   This is being exacerbated by a number of factors including climate change, the current severe drought, water shortages in some regions … Continued

Dialogues are part of month-long demonstration of urban car-free lifestyle taking place in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dear EcoMobility supporter, We are delighted to share with you the latest information regarding the EcoMobility Dialogues 2015! More than 300 people, including representatives of the City of Johannesburg’s leadership, business experts, thought leaders, practitioners and academics are expected to participate … Continued

An increase in urban populations has been linked to greater waste production and many local governments around the world are experiencing challenges in dealing with the waste. For instance, some cities and towns are running out of landfill space and are seeking new and sustainable ways of addressing this challenge. ICLEI Africa took a research field trip … Continued

9 July 2014 marked a momentous occasion for ICLEI Africa as it launched the State of African Cities 2014: Re-imagining sustainable urban transitions report in South Africa. The report seeks to stimulate discussions on the need for radically different, re-imagined development visions to guide sustainable urban growth and other transitions in Africa over the decades to come. … Continued

Gathering of policy makers, farmer leaders, researchers, and program officials will tap energy of major initiatives using the best in current landscape management knowledge and practice. How will African farmers deal with climate change? Can we preserve biodiversity while lifting millions of rural Africans out of poverty? What needs to be done to create healthy … Continued

African leaders attending the 23rd Assembly of AU Heads of State and Government in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea have been unanimous on the strategies needed to step up agricultural transformation to promote the continent’s development. Championing the call was African Union Commission Chairperson, H.E. Dr. Nkosazana Dlamini Zuma who spelt out strategic directions including increased public-private … Continued

Africa has one of the fastest urban population growths in the world and urbanization is known to be an important factor in the production of wastewater. It is estimated that 90% of the wastewater is discharged directly into rivers, lakes and oceans. Given such a background, the African Minister’s Council on Water (AMCOW) dedicated a … Continued

The Urban Agriculture Magazine is an initiative of the RUAF Foundation. It functions as a platform for exchange and discussion of grounded information on urban agriculture: research results, project experiences, and critical analyses of conventional and innovative policies on urban agriculture. The Urban Agriculture Magazine is published on line in English twice a year. The … Continued

The City of Arusha in northern Tanzania not only has a large and growing urban population, but increasingly has an international role, as the host city of the East African Community (EAC) and the International Tribunal for Rwanda. This rapidly developing ICLEI member has now developed a strategy to curb its traffic congestion problems, with … Continued

The time has long since past when development of cities via silo and singular implementation outcomes was best-practice. Nowadays with the cumulative risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, cities have to change how they progress, build, develop and plan. Every opportunity for saving resources means that precious municipal budget can be saved, and resources … Continued