The report is packed full of photos, and features strategic Congress outcomes and key initiatives, a centrespread on the Ekurhuleni Declaration on Water and Sanitation for Cities, a range of quotes from delegates and a summary of the AfriAlliance Launch Conference. Download the report here and watch the video here.

In November 2016, the City of Tshwane, in partnership with New GX Enviro, launched South Africa’s first large-scale build-operate-transfer project in the waste management sector. The Atteridgeville Recycling Park (ARP) provides recyclable waste, composting and rubble-crushing, and ensures the diversion of close to half of Tshwane’s waste. The ARP represents a significant township economy, industrialisation … Continued

LAB Wetlands SA Project awarded the Biodiversity Gold Award at the 2017 Eco-Logic Awards On the 14th June 2017, the Local Action for Biodiversity: Wetlands South Africa (LAB: Wetlands SA) Project was awarded the Biodiversity Gold Award at the 2017 Eco-Logic Awards held at the CSIR Convention Centre in Pretoria. The LAB: Wetlands SA Project, … Continued

Breaking news from the AfriAlliance project, which ICLEI Africa is proud to be a partner in, connecting networks on water and climate change. Today, AfriAlliance and VIA Water met to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU signals a commitment by both initiatives to increased collaboration on innovation in the African water sector. AfriAlliance … Continued

Mayors from 29 capital cities in Africa, gathered at the African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum (ACCSF), have declared, through the African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum Tshwane Declaration, that collective commitment to advance sustainability within the African continent through ground-breaking initiatives is essential. The Mayors agreed to explore the establishment of a formalised forum for Africa’s … Continued

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability: Africa Secretariat (ICLEI Africa) and the Association of Local Governments of Tanzania (ALAT) have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding. This important milestone was celebrated in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania with the formal handing over of the agreement between the two organisations on Friday 9 June 2017. ICLEI Africa’s … Continued

In April 2017, the EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility (EUEI PDF) published the flagship study “Future Energy Scenarios for African Cities – Unlocking Opportunities for Climate Responsive Development”. The relevance of this study comes about as cities consume up to 80% of total energy production and release 75% of global CO2 emissions. With Africa’s … Continued

UN Environment’s Principles for Sustainable Insurance Initiative and ICLEI to set the global agenda on how insurers and cities could work together to shape a resilient and sustainable urban future. Bonn, 18 May 2017—The first-ever summit on insurance industry-city collaboration towards a resilient and sustainable urban future concluded with a set of ambitious goals. Dr … Continued

We are proud to announce the three winners of our SURe Water 4 Africa project Cost-Benefit Analysis (CBA) Competition: Bulawayo, Lusaka and Walvis Bay. As winners of the competition, these three cities were awarded the opportunity to jointly develop a CBA of their city with the assistance of leading industry experts. The analysis will focus … Continued

ICLEI Africa is honoured to welcome its five newest members – a group of coastal cities from Mozambique. All five are important coastal ports; all are threatened by flooding and climate change; and all came as a united delegation to the LOCS4Africa 2017 Congress, in Ekurhuleni South Africa. These cities already have strong linkages – … Continued