ICLEI Africa is partnering with the University of Cape Town and others to bring climate scientists and city stakeholders together to explore what climate change means for Southern African cities, and to co-develop ways to tackle its impacts. This work occurs as part of the Future Resilience for African CiTies and Lands (FRACTAL) project. Climate risk narratives are … Continued

Cities in Africa are facing significant challenges due to climate change, but this also presents unique opportunities. At ICLEI Africa, we work with our cities to find ways to enable development that takes cognisance of this. For over two decades ICLEI has been working with subnational governments from around the world to develop innovative ways … Continued

The first session was hosted in partnership with the South African Local Government Association (SALGA), focusing on what African local governments are doing to contribute to their country’s Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs). This session was moderated by Xolile George, CEO of SALGA, with input from Mayor Abel Langsi Ngwasoh (Bafut, Cameroon), Mayor Sylvia Muzila (Francistown, Botswana), … Continued

Mayor Solly Msimanga talks climate challenges and chances in Tshwane here.

Fellow Excellences, Mayors of African Capital Cities Fellow Mayors of Local Authorities Climate Change Leaders Members of the media Ladies and Gentlemen It is an honour to be on this podium addressing this distinguished audience on a subject close to my heart. I am an African from Africa and my continent is hurting. However, I … Continued

ICLEI, as the focal point for the Local Governments and Municipal Authorities (LGMA) constituency at the climate change COPs, always plays a significant role in promoting the important work that cities are doing to contribute to the amelioration of climate change, and COP23 was no different. COP23 took place from 6-17 November this year in Bonn, … Continued

The Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders will be held on 12 November in Bonn, Germany, and is the premier gathering of local and regional governments at COP23. It is the jumping off point for key initiatives and partnerships that support implementation of the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that when cities, regions, businesses, communities and all levels of … Continued

The Climate Summit of Local and Regional Leaders will be held on 12 November in Bonn, Germany, and is the premier gathering of local and regional governments at COP23. It is the jumping off point for key initiatives and partnerships that support implementation of the Paris Agreement, demonstrating that when cities, regions, businesses, communities and all levels of … Continued

ICLEI Africa is proud to announce the new Regional Executive Committee MembersThe Mayors who constitute the ICLEI Africa Regional Executive Committee 2018-2021 were announced today. Hailing from all corners of sub-Saharan Africa, the ICLEI Africa Committee Members are introduced alphabetically below: Mayor Manuel de Araújo (Vice chair), Quelimane Municipality, MozambiqueMayor Vincent de Paul Kayanja, Entebbe … Continued

Share your experience on Citizen Science in Africa: participate in AfriAlliance survey The AfriAlliance project aims to better prepare Africa for future climate change challenges. One of its objectives is to help improve water and climate monitoring and forecasting processes and tools on the continent. ICLEI Africa, as a partner of AfriAlliance, would like to … Continued