ICLEI Canada and the Toronto and Region Conservation launch their latest resource on biodiversity, biodiverCities: A Primer on Nature in Cities! With the majority of the world’s population living in urban areas, its time to ask how they can become more livable, sustainable and resilient. biodiverCities explores why biodiversity should be the business of everyone committed … Continued

To sustain ecosystems and biodiversity, we must manage them effectively. But how can we manage, what we cannot measure? Biodiversity data is critical to make informed policies and sound science is necessary for sound decision making. All too often, policymaking is impeded by a lack of adequate and accessible data, exacerbated by poor coordination between countries. … Continued

An increase in urban populations has been linked to greater waste production and many local governments around the world are experiencing challenges in dealing with the waste. For instance, some cities and towns are running out of landfill space and are seeking new and sustainable ways of addressing this challenge. ICLEI Africa took a research field trip … Continued

GPC 2.0 – an improved harmonized method for measuring cities’ GHG emissions – now open for public comments! Take the first version and make it even more powerful. After a successful nine-month pilot test from May 2013 to January 2014, the improved second version of the Global Protocol for Community-scale Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GPC 2.0) is … Continued

Consultants and authors are invited to quote to work with ICLEI Africa, Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality and SALGA, through the Urban-LEDS project, to draft a case study on the experiences of project city Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality in promoting local small scale embedded renewable energy generation, with brief additional reference to lessons learnt in other … Continued

This week, CDKN and the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) have released two publications that highlight the key messages of the IPCC’s Fifth Assessment Report for Africa and South Asia. These succinct guides distil the richest material on climate impacts and trends in these regions, and experiences in adaptation and mitigation, from the Fifth Assessment Report. … Continued

The Water for Life UN-Water Best Practices Award is now accepting nominations for its 5th edition. The application period is open between 4 July and 15 September 2014. The theme is Water and Sustainable Development, which mirrors that of World Water Day 2015. The Water for Life Best Practices Award aims to acknowledge and promote efforts … Continued

Sustainability, innovation and cost efficiency: taking procurement forward 24-26 September 2014, Ghent, Belgium Register today to secure your place! The EcoProcura 2014 conference is just around the corner and the programme is in the process of being finalised. We are pleased to send Procurement Forum members the detailed Invitation to the conference, which contains all … Continued

9 July 2014 marked a momentous occasion for ICLEI Africa as it launched the State of African Cities 2014: Re-imagining sustainable urban transitions report in South Africa. The report seeks to stimulate discussions on the need for radically different, re-imagined development visions to guide sustainable urban growth and other transitions in Africa over the decades to come. … Continued

The 2014 Local Action for Biodiversity (LAB) Symposium on BiodiverCities without Boundaries, held from 23 – 25 June, Kaohsiung, Chinese Taipei was a resounding success. Hosted by LAB member, the Kaohsiung City Government and ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability, the LAB Symposium brought together LAB cities from around the world, as well as local and … Continued