The centres in Kigali and Muhanga are partnering with Urban-LEDS II to improve resource-efficient access to water and electricity. These upgrades will respond to the pandemic in a low-emission, climate-friendly way and provide running hot water to a maternity ward.

Urban climate action should benefit all the residents of a city. ICLEI Africa is championing urban environmental justice by engaging communities, co-creating climate and nature-based solutions and developing demand responsive recommendations for socially inclusive policy.

The city is a product of its people just as the city supports its people We have entered the Decade of Action for achieving Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development. This crucial decade requires radical, systemic and decisive action framed around putting people and the planet first if we are to achieve sustainable development and social … Continued

When cities see the requirements for robust climate reporting they may feel overwhelmed, but it opens the door to build a city that is future-ready. Here are some stories from Africa.

ICLEI Africa interviews experts in the field of climate finance to share insights on how cities can access finance for sustainable, resilient development.

Climate change and climate change adaptation can be overwhelming concepts to city officials. This series of five short videos provides a basic introduction to climate change, climate change adaptation, nature-based solutions, the Paris Agreement and adaptation planning Climate change explained When we see weather-related disasters on the news, climate change is often mentioned as the … Continued

English expand_more 2020 will long be remembered as the most unpredictable and extraordinary year of our lives – at least for the majority of people alive today. As the year now draws to a close, we take time to reflect on the enormous challenges we have all had to face – and are still facing … Continued

The LoCS4Africa virtual congress is the first of its kind on the continent and this year’s only virtual climate change congress for African city leaders and innovators. It will bring together government officials, innovators, entrepreneurs and financiers to find solutions for unlocking climate finance in Africa. An interactive virtual platform will play host to inspiring … Continued

Cities have not been able to tap into opportunities to finance projects and interventions that will help them reach this potential.

~ Kobie Brand

Les capitales africaines font un pas en avant pour lutter contre le changement climatique et construire des villes plus durables Les 54 capitales d’Afrique ont élu leur nouvelle Présidence pour les trois prochaines années. Son Excellence Madame Roheyatou Malick Lowe, Maire de Banjul, Gambie, et membre du Comité Exécutif du Parlement Mondial des Maires (GPM), … Continued