Preparing Africa for future climate change challenges through African and European stakeholder engagement.

Good practice examples of contextually relevant water technology from and for AfricaSmall-scale, locally-developed, climate-resilient technology and infrastructure has the potential to play a role in addressingthe looming threat and impacts of climate change. Recognising this, the African Water Adaptation through KnowledgeEmpowerment (AWAKE) project aims to enhance and share knowledge on the opportunities and constraints that … Continued

We create spaces for reflection and knowledge exchange to find innovative ways to plan in complexity through our Reflecting Cities project.

In a time when our cities are bursting at the seams, we need deep, systemic change to build climate resilient cities through preserving our urban nature – laws and policies that embed nature in city planning. Changing policy is a slow, uphill journey, which makes our recent influence in Malawi all the more significant. Lilongwe … Continued

IFWEN updates: Exploring innovation How do we improve the productivity and co-benefits across food, water and energy sectors, and how can we use nature’s benefits to do this, while restoring nature in the process? The IFWEN project, which convenes ICLEI Africa, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV), Stockholm Resilience Centre (SRC), The Nature of Cities (TNOC) and … Continued

In Ilala Municipality, Dar es Salaam, large open green spaces are few and far between. Pockets of land left open by city planners quickly become informally re-purposed by street vendors to sell fruit and vegetables, by the urban poor for development of informal dwellings or are even used as waste dumping areas. But the Urban Natural … Continued

South Africa demonstrates local government’s role in localising the SDGs to ‘Leave No One Behind’. ICLEI Africa co-hosted a local government SDG symposium to assess progress made on “Leaving No One Behind” in South Africa. The critical role of local governments in achieving Agenda 2030 was highlighted and ICLEI Africa presented a roadmap for localising … Continued

This week at the African Capital Cities Sustainability Forum, ICLEI Africa launched the Procura+ Africa Network. This is a major step toward supporting African local governments to work together to reap the benefits of sustainable public procurement (SPP). The network was founded with the goal to increase and deepen implementation of SPP in South Africa. Working together, … Continued

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