The Urban Agriculture Magazine is an initiative of the RUAF Foundation. It functions as a platform for exchange and discussion of grounded information on urban agriculture: research results, project experiences, and critical analyses of conventional and innovative policies on urban agriculture. The Urban Agriculture Magazine is published on line in English twice a year. The … Continued

The City of Arusha in northern Tanzania not only has a large and growing urban population, but increasingly has an international role, as the host city of the East African Community (EAC) and the International Tribunal for Rwanda. This rapidly developing ICLEI member has now developed a strategy to curb its traffic congestion problems, with … Continued

The time has long since past when development of cities via silo and singular implementation outcomes was best-practice. Nowadays with the cumulative risks associated with climate change and resource depletion, cities have to change how they progress, build, develop and plan. Every opportunity for saving resources means that precious municipal budget can be saved, and resources … Continued

Re-imagining Sustainable Urban Transitions

Integrated planning is a much touted ideal in cities and could be seen as the holy grail of an urbanising planet. We are living in the Urban Anthropocene, geoengineering the planet to suit the needs, dreams and hopes of its 6 billion human inhabitants. Without achieving effective, dynamic and revolutionary ways of actually implementing integrated … Continued