Welcome to the first edition of the AfriFOODlinks quarterly mailer! Subscribe here NEWS AND PROJECT UPDATES African cities lead the way into a new era of food system collaboration Last month, mayors, city officials and global experts gathered in Kisumu, Kenya, to chart a new path for food systems research in Africa.The meeting marked a … Continued

Latest news & resources AFRICAN CITIES LEAD NEW ERA OF FOOD SYSTEM COLLABORATION ICLEI Africa coordinates 26 partners and 20 cities in EU-funded food systems project Mayors, city officials and global experts gathered recently in Kisumu, Kenya, to chart a new path for food systems research in Africa. The meeting marked a significant milestone in … Continued

We address the systemic underpinnings of food insecurity and environmental impact by strengthening linkages between stakeholders in Africa and Europe.

Local government officials from eight African cities came together with the ICLEI Africa team to share what circular development means for their jurisdictions.

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